Save the Date

Save the Date![]() |
Save the Date | Kat Stowell | 2025-01-23 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Check presentationJohn DeRohan, Hubble, and Jay Connor from Cops n Kids, along with Harry Walls, Walter Con, and George Dubois from the Rotary Club of Nipomo, gathered to present a check for $4,546.39 to District Attorney Dan Dow. This donation, the result of Human Trafficking Awareness seminars hosted by Rotary clubs across Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties in partnership with Cops n Kids, will support the DA’s office in funding local training programs aimed at combating human trafficking. The collective effort highlights the commitment of Rotary and community organizations to addressing this serious issue and fostering a safer community.
Check presentation | 2024-09-25 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Newest Member June AielloToday we had the pleasure of inducting our newest member June Aiello. Welcome to the club June! We're excited to have you on board. ![]() |
Newest Member June Aiello | 2024-09-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Newest Member June AielloToday we had the pleasure of inducting our newest member June Aiello. Welcome to the club June! We're excited to have you on board. ![]() ![]() |
Newest Member June Aiello | 2024-09-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
2024 Scholarship WinnersCongratulations to the outstanding Nipomo and New Tech High School students who were awarded scholarships by the Rotary Club of Nipomo today! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. We can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll achieve in the future .
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2024 Scholarship Winners | 2024-06-26 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Paul Harris AwardsCongratulations to our esteemed members on receiving the prestigious Paul Harris Award! The Rotary Club of Nipomo is incredibly proud to celebrate the dedication, service, and commitment of our Paul Harris Fellows. Your ourstanding contributions embody the Rotary spirit and significantly impact our community and beyond.
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Paul Harris Awards | 2024-06-19 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
George's StepdownOn June 12 we had a wonderful dinner to honor George Dubois as he stepped down from his role as President of the Rotary Club of Nipomo 2023-24 year. George's leadership and dedication have left an indelible mark on our community. We're grateful for his outstanding service and commitment. Cheers to George for an incredible year! ![]() |
George's Stepdown | Kat Stowell | 2024-06-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Service Awards![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We presented Gift Certificates to Jocko's Steakhouse and Certificates of Appreciation to: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for your service and dedication to our community |
Service Awards | Kat Stowell | 2024-05-08 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
2024 Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Rotary Club of Nipomo would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors for their incredible support of our recent golf tournament. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible! Special thanks to our Major Sponsors, CoastHills Credit Union and Dana Reserve, for their generous contributions. We'd also like to express our gratitude to our Gold Sponsors: - Adamski Moroski Madden Cumberland & Green - Adam Heating & Cooling - Craig Steele Richard's Watson & Gershon - DL Farm Management - DoVer Enterprises - Central West Produce - Huasna Development LLC - Jacqueline Fredrick Attorney at Law - Jadewood Ventures - Lapp Fitch Myer & Gallagher - Mission Avocado - Murphy & Associates - PC Mechanical Inc - Pella - Streator Pipe & Supply - Tab Miller Electric - The Veritas Group Your support has made our event a tremendous success, and we are truly grateful for your generosity and commitment to our community. Thank you once again! |
2024 Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic | Kat Stowell | 2024-05-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Foundation Grant PresentationThe Rotary Club of Nipomo's Foundation has given a Grant to LMUSB VEX Robotics Team. Rotarians Walter Con, Cees Dobbe, and Greg Gracia presented the check.
Foundation Grant Presentation | 2023-12-20 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Foundation Grant |
Foundation Grant | 2023-12-18 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
October Business of the Month![]() October Business of the Month Congratulations to Nesrine Rabia and Grocery Outlet for October's Business of the Month. Grocery Outlet is located at 181 S Frontage Road here in Nipomo. It's wonderful to have Nesrine as a member of our community. Nesrine relocated here from the LA area about 2 years ago with her son and family. Thank you Nesrine for all you are doing for Nipomo
October Business of the Month | Kat Stowell | 2023-10-18 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo 4th of July Parade![]() Celebrate Independence Day at the 2023 Nipomo 4th of July Parade! Visit for more information!
Nipomo 4th of July Parade | 2023-06-15 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
2023 Mesa Oaks Nipomo Rotary Charity Classic Golf TournamentJoin us for our 25th Annual Golf Tournament! Sponsored by Dana Reserve and Coast Hills Business Services Team, our event raises funds to benefit our community via scholarships for high school graduates, donations to the local food pantry, support for the Nipomo Senior Center, and more! Please consider supporting our event. ![]() |
2023 Mesa Oaks Nipomo Rotary Charity Classic Golf Tournament | 2023-02-19 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Nipomo Concerts in the Park 2022Join us for free, live music as we BBQ for the Nipomo Concerts in the Park! We will be there for the remaining events: August 31st and September 14th. ![]() |
Nipomo Concerts in the Park 2022 | 2022-08-25 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Operation Rescue BBQ FundraiserTickets will be available at Operation Rescue and from the Rotary Club of Nipomo and are $18.00 for Tri-Tip Plate includes beans, salad and bread ![]() |
Operation Rescue BBQ Fundraiser | Kat Stowell | 2022-05-19 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Mesa Oaks Golf Classic |
Mesa Oaks Golf Classic | Kat Stowell | 2022-03-09 08:00:00Z | 0 | fundraiser | ||||||
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner |
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner | Kat Stowell | 2021-10-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary of Nipomo 7/28/21The meeting began while a small crew lead by Bill Piccirelli labored making fresh hot and sugary Beignets for our breakfast served with fresh fruit. The usual prayer and Pledge. Rotary Minute lead by none other than Mr. Odell Lee was about the history of the Rotary Motto. Brags Kat Stowell's daughter had a birthday Harry Walls had quite a nice vacation! Announcements Bill Pucirelli spoke about the contract with the folks that will be supplying our breakfast. George Dubois will obtain flatware and plates Jerry Arseneau spoke about BBQ tickets SPEAKER Linda Kavanaugh from County Parks went over plans for the skate park that is planned for the regional park in Nipomo. Much thought went into the design with input from the local skaters. It will be next to the Library and looks to be a fine addition to our community.
Rotary of Nipomo 7/28/21 | 2021-08-04 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
ROTARY OF NIPOMO WEEKLY MEETING 7/21/21President Mary Mylan presided over her 3rd meeting which was held at the Black Lake Community Center. Mr. Shaddel set the tone of the meeting with a prayer. Pledge was lead by Howard Rotary Minute by Jerry Arseneau on protecting our environment. Roger Ridley gave us "This Day in History" ANNOUNCEMENTS Meetings will stay in Black Lake for the time being. Up coming BBQ 0n 8/8/21 Remember nap coming Golf tournament. Speaker Rudy Stowell and Lexi Carreno of the Dana Adobe The history of the Adobe and current events made for interesting information. Ranging from politics, native Americans, fire suppression. Its long history of hospitality and the continuation of that element lives on with all the various activities
ROTARY OF NIPOMO WEEKLY MEETING 7/21/21 | 2021-08-04 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
ROTARY OF NIPOMO JULY 14, 2021Wednesday morning bright and early at 7A.M. the Nipomo Rotarians met at the Black Lake community Center. Kenneth Shaddell lead us in the opening invocation. Dick lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONVERSATIONS WITH HARRY- Since Harry was out of town Mary Mylan our current president on her 2nd meeting interviewed Lee Baggett. Brags Kat Stowell bragged about her time in Las Vegas and the warm temperature of 119 degrees! Lou Gomez Daughter had a birthday Dick hillary has been retired for 26 years Bill Piccirelli around of his Italian heritage spoke of soccer and the good fortunes of the Italians at the recent play offs. Kelly Rickert said her dad had a birthday mary Myland travelled 500 miles to visit her daughter that is expecting a child soon. ANNOUNCEMENTS County Clerk asked that we help with the special election on 9/14/21 Judy Hensbury passed out sign up forms also keep in mind our group will be going to the Mello Drama onWednesday 12/8/21 Possibly cooking food for a sick woman Guest Speaker Flight delays hampered our speaker from being able to attend the meeting Mary showed a video presentation from the new President of Rotary International, Shekar Mehta. The subject was " Service is the rent I pay for my space on earth." He spoke of the need to keep growing our numbers and serving mankind. Dick Hillary won the raffle. |
ROTARY OF NIPOMO JULY 14, 2021 | 2021-08-04 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
The New Rotary of Nipomo BBQ Pit |
The New Rotary of Nipomo BBQ Pit | Kat Stowell | 2021-07-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
LIVE AND IN PERSON! STEP DOWN 6/30/21The Dana Adobe event center was the location of the annual President Step Down dinner. Kat Stowell manning the bar, George Dubois greeting us at the door and a room of very festive golf themed table settings. The room had a feeling of greatfulness and happiness as the Rotarians of Nipomo gathered together for the first time since March of 2020. Paul Harris Awards were given. 4 way test contest winner was present with her family and she read her very moving essay. A delicious dinner of Chinese Food catered by North China Restaurant. Fun games courtesy of Kelly Richert. President Ed Harris was honored and the new President was introduced. All of this meeting was skillfully and with great humor MC'ed buy Walter Con. We are looking forward to a year of more freedom so we can continue to live the life of Service one Self.
LIVE AND IN PERSON! STEP DOWN 6/30/21 | 2021-07-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary via Zoom 6/23/21Ed Harris presided over the meeting. According to John Brantingham "Golf is like life...out of one whole and into another" Kenneth prayed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next week there will be no morning meeting as we will have the Step Doen dinner that evening at the Dana Adobe Still waiting on Butterfly Grill to become fully staffed before we can resume our meetings there BRAGS Ken Shaddell married 63 years! John Brantingham's daughter is visiting. Peggy Hesse has a daughter and grand daughter visiting Bill Piccirelli has a daughter visiting. SPEAKER Mike Madden over seeing up coming car show. September 25 & 26 Mike gave us his history and an over view of the up coming car show and its purpose to assist the Nipomo Food Basket. He reminded us tickets go on sale 7/25 for the multi course dinner and live music. there will be upwards to 5000 participants and several venues for food and drink in addition to the carefully curated automobiles on display. It looks like a fantastic event. See you all there except Roger Ridley. |
Rotary via Zoom 6/23/21 | 2021-07-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Meeting 6/16/21This mornings meeting was conducted by past President Kelly Richter as President Ed Harris is assisting the PGA tournament in Torrey Pines. Invocation by Ken Shaddel George Dubois lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance On this day in history by Roger Ridley From Abraham Lincolns House Divided Speech in 1858 to a space plane on a 469 day mission. Rotary Minute by Kelly Announcements 6/26/21 BBQ cancelled Step Down Dinner on 6/30/21 at Dana Adobe Brags Lou Gomez grand daughter had a birthday George Dubois bragged that his culinary skills include such delectables as over cooked Mac & cheese and burned meatballs mmmm Walter Con bragged Harry Walls grandson had a birthday and is off to college at Chico State. SPEAKER Brett Burchett fron SLO Farm Bureau Interesting over view of SLO counties agriculture and it numerous cash crops. strawberries cattle grapes cauliflower broccoli cut flowers avocados head lettuce vegetables He discussed the regulatory burdens water employment insurance Cal OSHA The care taken of workers and cannibis conflicts Insightful and educational talk that held our attention.
Rotary Meeting 6/16/21 | 2021-07-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom 6/2/21Ed Harris meeting number 49.....tick tock John Brantingham says" Ed realizes many golfers prefer golf carts to caddies. Why? Carts can't criticize, count or lie. Ken Shaddell lead us in prayer. Roger Ridley gave us "This Day in History" From the Christian Crusades of 1098 to the invention of the Bikini in 1946 Rotary Minute Bill Puccirelli spoke on the Rotary Peace Program Announcements Cees reminds us to remember the Amazon rewards program for Rotary. Remember to sign up for Ed's Step Down dinner. Mario reminds us of the Teft Street cleanup Sunday morning at 7:30 am Brags Lou Gomez had a Birthday! Odell had a Birthday and got to spend time with his son. Jerry Arseneau bragged about his son. Bill sang Happy Birthday to all the celebrants!! Speaker Jerry Arseneau Jerry gave us a visual and virtual tour of his yard at his home in Arroyo Grande. It is evident by the lovingly tended plants that he takes great pride in creating a most wondrous garden. Beautiful!
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom 6/2/21 | 2021-06-07 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom Meeting 5/26/21John Brantingham opened President Ed Harris's 48th meeting. Ken Shaddell lead the invocation. Walter Con lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This Day in History by Roger Ridley was on a single sole subject. Memorial Day. He talked about the origins of this holiday and how it has progressed through the decades as a remembrance to fallen soldiers from the horror and rapacity of war. Announcements 6/6/21 Teft Street Cleanup 7:30 A.M. Kat sent out invitation/signup sheet for Ed Harris step down on 6/30/21 Brags Bruce Beaudoin birthday Lou Gomez got a new car Peggy Hess daughter had a birthday Walter Con's twin grandchildren celebrated their 5th birthday. Jim Harrison's grandson and great grand daughter had a birthday George Dubois enjoyed time with family in Cambria. Speaker Judge Bruce Einhorn addressed our group and spoke at length about the Supreme Court. He reminded us that since its inception the number of Justices has increased and it was possible to see further changes in the future. He talked about its importance especially with domestic policy.
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom Meeting 5/26/21 | 2021-06-05 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom 5/19/21Another Wednesday another Rotary meeting on Zoom. This is Ed Harris's 47th meeting but he was vacationing so Mr. Harry Walls conducted our meeting. Harry noted that" It wasn't a sign of good sportsmanship in golf to pick up lost balls....before they stopped rolling!" Ken prayed for us. The pledge was recited. ROTARY MINUTE by Bill Puccurelli Polio...only 2 known cases of wild polio known to be in the world. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mario reminded us donuts were for the taking on June 6th at 7:30 on Tefft street with the simple caveat....You gotta earn them! See you there! BRAGS Mario bragged no recent law suits to the late district. John Brantingham has a grand daughter that graduated from Allen Hancock with 2 degrees. Bill Puccurelli bragged it was Bruce Beaudoins birthday Cees bragged that hip pup just had his parts snipped! Guest Speaker Kerri Burns from Santa Barbara Humane gave an excellent presentation on all the services her organization provides for the pets in our community. The impressive array of services include: Veterinary care Dog Training Adoption TNR Pet Food Pantry
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom 5/19/21 | 2021-05-23 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Scholarships AwardedScholarships awarded 2021
Scholarships Awarded | Walter Con | 2021-04-26 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary of Nipomo ZoomEd Harris presided over his 42nd meeting with another most humorous introduction by John Brantingham. " A bad lawyer drags a case out for several years....a good one even longer!" Ken Shadell lead the invocation Roger Ridley lead us with Pledge of Allegiance PLAY BALL! Conversations with Harry featured Cees Dobbs. Cees answered questions posed and told us his account of meeting Elona during his college days. We heard of his love of Spain. Announcements: District Training is on Saturday Brags: Bob Sanders on golf Speaker is Dan Dow District Attorney of San Luis Obispo His main topic was human trafficking. He also elaborated on how the office is organized and run. He was able to answer questions after his presentation.
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom | 2021-04-17 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
zoom meeting 39March 24, 2021 was President Ed Harris's 39th meeting and hoping the light at the end of the cover tunnel is not an on coming train! Kenneth shad dell lead the invocation. George Dubois lead us in the pledge. Bill Pucciarelli gave us an inspiring Rotary Minute discussing the interaction between Leland Case and Lewis Sinclair. Annoucemrnt by Judy about Kelly's step down in May at the Dana Adobe. Harry celebrates his 27th anniversary on 3/27 Roger Ridley has a grand daughter visiting from Illinois Kenneth bragged about Baylor basketball Speaker JON HAVEMAN PHD. gave a talk about autonomous vehicles and the very interesting subject sparked a lot of discussion. Braggs Judy Henry had a birthday! Kat Stowell has a new deck in her back yard |
zoom meeting 39 | 2021-03-28 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Zoom 3/10/21Starting with a few technical difficulties Ed Harris presided over the 37th meeting of his presidency. Kenneth Shadell gave the invocation. Harry Walls had his folksy "Conversations with Harry" with Mary Mylan has his interviewee. Mary told us about her favorite vacation which was a trip to Nicaragua. With some fun and interesting details with her time there. Guest Speaker Kathy Matsuka from the Point San Luis Light Station lead us on a virtual tour of this historic structure that graces our shore here in the Slo County. Her skillful story telling wove the history of not only the buildings but the lives lived there to provide this vital service. The old photographs along with interesting details brought to life a forgotten time. A very worthwhile tour.
Rotary Zoom 3/10/21 | 2021-03-14 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary zoom 3/3/21Once again Rotary of Nipomo met virtually and this time it was President Ed Harris's 36th meeting. Prayers were said and pledges were made and Roger dutifully gave us his rendition of "this day in history" filled with interesting tidbits. Bill Pucirelli spoke to us on the history of polio as related to Rotary. Our speaker Mark Lisa gave a very informative talk on Tenet Health of which he is the CEO and one important fact was that this health group has a tele emergency phone number. 805-546-7990. Most pertinent was an update on Covid in the county. Which of course has an impact on all of us. Furthermore he talked of his company advanced stroke service. Advanced care enhancements. Equal treatment of all.
Rotary zoom 3/3/21 | 2021-03-09 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
ROTARY ZOOM MEETING 2/24/2021THIS MEETING GOT A LITTLE BIT SPICEY....BUT MORE ABOUT THAT IN A MINUTE. President Ed Harris presided over his 35th meeting. 22 club members attended. Ken Shadell lead us in prayer to open our meeting. Kelly Rickert lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance from what seemed like a spacecraft. No announcements?! Brags aplenty....... Mary Myland bragged that her granddaughter excelled in high school cross country and now is on the varsity team! good job!! Kat Stowell bragged that she was about to have a birthday. Ken Shadell had a birthday last week and has circled the sun 82 times. Bill Puccirelli has new grandson! (that makes 12 grand kids) Jim Harrison celebrated his 24th wedding anniversary and on a side note his grandson had his 35 birthday. Ken Whites grand child a freshman in college is making straight A's........ Now we get to the good part. Our speaker had to cancel and things starting getting spicy. Rotarian Odell Lee volunteered to give a talk on the 4 years he worked in the spice business for a business in Kalamazoo and his travels from Taiwan to Australia and points in between. We learned of the important role oleo resins play in that business and ultimately in the flavors of our food. He spoke of the Scoville Scale for measuring heat in peppers and had slides showing us what a variety of different spices look like before being processed. It was an excellent presentation.
ROTARY ZOOM MEETING 2/24/2021 | 2021-02-27 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Zoom meeting 2/10/21President Harris's 33rd meeting Kenneth Shaddell gave the invocation. Judy Hensbury lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Jim Harrison brought up the subject of Little Pantries a county wide service project lead by Rotarian Gregory Gillette 805-980-9022 Gregory spoke to us in-depth about the need in our county because of food insecurity. George asks for volunteers to move Dario's son to a new house. Jim Harrison brought to our attention about a local group doing cleanup on Mary/Juniper on Saturday CONVERSATIONS WITH HARRY was with Kat Stowell Brags Peggy bragged about her super bowl Sunday birthday She won the pool and shared some of the bounty with our club! Speaker: Linda Beck from Square One an elder and health care advocate gave a talk on her work and the needs it fulfills in our community. Please check your email for all the details on the 5 steps to safer health care.
Rotary Zoom meeting 2/10/21 | 2021-02-13 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Teft CleanupA chilly overcast Sunday morning. The smell of fresh cut rosemary wafted in the air. So started February 7, 2021 as Rotarians gave their time and energy to pick up trash and debris while trimming and edging the landscaping in front of Von's. Donned in bright orange vests and yielding garden tools they toiled for a couple of hours and made such a visual improvement to the traffic island. The morning task concluded with the sweet taste of donuts and the satisfaction of a job well done. It has been said that any work performed in the spirit of service is equated with worship. This is in keeping with the Rotarian ethic of "Service above self". A special thanks to Mario Iglesias for organizing and heading up this work party and a hearty thank you to Jim Harrison, Kat Stowell & Lee Baggett for their efforts.
Teft Cleanup | 2021-02-09 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom MeetingWednesday February 3, 2021 Ed Harris presided over his 32nd meeting of Rotary Club of Nipomo. John Brantingham questions "Why call it raw sewage? Do people cook that stuff?" Kenneth lead us in prayer. Roger Ridley lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Announcement was made that Rotarians are encouraged to volunteer with the county for needed work at the Vaccine sites. Super Bowl Pool was announced. BRAGS: Lou Gomez's granddaughter had a birthday. Mario Iglesia bragged he was doing clean up work on Teft Sunday morning 2/7/21 at 7am and encouraged us to join him especially with the lure of donuts. Harry Walls received a Covid vaccination. Peggy bragged she had a Super Bowl Sunday Jim Harrison bragged his great grand child celebrated a birthday, Walter Con free at last! free at last! He so enjoyed retirement the first time he thought he would give it a try again. Bets are being taken on how long it will last. Roger Ridley gave us This day in history Bill Puccirlli for his Rotary Minute gave us a great Buddy Holly story. Guest Speaker: Peter Sevik from the Nipomo CSD gave us an in depth view of the workings of the sewer system.
Rotary Club of Nipomo Zoom Meeting | 2021-02-06 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Zoom Meeting January 20, 2021Time marches on! It is President Ed Harris's 30th meeting. John Brantingham mused that the definition of PUT is to place something where you want it to be. And the definition of PUTT is the same..... Kenneth lead us in prayer. Walter Con lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Roger Ridley regaled us with some very historical facts. Bill Puccirelli had some interesting facts with his Rotary Minute. The first 2 years the Rotary Clubs purpose was (1) Friendship (2) Business reciprocity Jim Harrison celebrated another grand childs birthday Kelly bragged about the beautiful plaque created and presented to her from Kat Stowell for her year of service to the club as President George Dubois bragged about Felix's 6th birthday Harry Walls bragged it was his 17th year as a member of the Nipomo Rotary Club! Jim Lewis bragged that "he is here!" Roger Ridley bragged to the fact that he got carded for the first time in years. Announcements Mario announced the Teft Street Cleanup but please note due to inclement weather that has been changed to a later date Kelly Ricker announced it was time for the Four Way Test Essays and she needs volunteers to read them. Guest speaker Jim Lewis returns with a in-depth presentation on Polio Past Present Future. The fact filled morning is made even more poignant due to Jim having had polio himself as a child. He is a passionate promotor on the eradication of this virulent virus. We learned about polio history and the Rotary involvement in putting an end to this terrible disease. He let os know during the course of the talk that even after treatment the survivors need help with such things as surgery, wheel chairs, training, education. NEVER GIVE UP!
Rotary Zoom Meeting January 20, 2021 | 2021-01-23 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom Meeting 1/6/2021The first meeting of 2021 and President Ed Harris's 28th meeting. Ed Brantingham started the meeting with the amusing quip "No need to make a New Year resolution because he knows that it goes in one year and out the other" Invocation was lead by Kenneth. Lou Gomez lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roger ( play ball!) Ridley filled our heads with great historical facts. Starting almost a thousand years ago from 1066 with the inauguration of King Harold up to Elvis Presley on on his 7th and final appearance on the Ed sullivan show. Rotary Minute by none other than Mr. Bill Puccireeli who spoke about the very first Rotary meeting with just 4 men in attendance. Their first project was a public restroom in City Hall. They started with no dues only 50 cent fines. Brags: Members were quite braggadocios today! Logan turns 7 years old according to Roger Kat Stowell has started a new business Harry Walls spent Christmas with a large number of family members. Mary Mylans granddaughter just circled the earth one more time. Mario Iglesias has two sons and both are now Lt. Colonels! Jim Harris has a granddaughter that is starting college. Bruce Beaudoin had a great brag but sadly I wrote to slow to record it. Walter had a brag also. Bill had us sing Happy Birthday to Mary Mylan Announcements; none nada zip Speaker; Rich Van Houten gave us a presentation on his organization " Shower the People". It is a mobile shower trailer taken to different locations so homeless can take a shower. Not only a refreshing warm shower but a pair of underpants and socks. If needed they also provide feminine hygiene products oral hygiene products razors hand sanitizers |
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom Meeting 1/6/2021 | 2021-01-09 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom Meeting December 16, 2020President Ed Harris presided over his 25th meeting Wednesday morning with 19 Rotarians in attendance. John Brantingham reminds us not to get upset if some one calls you fat because you are bigger than that! Kenneth lead us in prayer. Mario lead the Pledge of Allegiance. " Today in History" by Roger Ridley Roger gave facts from this day in history starting in 1499 with the travels and discoveries of Vasco de Gama 1598 the 7 years war 1631 Mt Vesuvius exploded. There goes the neighborhood. 1707 Mount Fuji erupts 1773 Boston Tea Party. One lump or two? 1944 Germany at it again with the Battle of the Bulge. Brags Bob Sanders bragged tha he celebrated his 51 Wedding Anniversary in Monterrey Roger Ridley gave us some amusing observations on the year 2020 Announcements: Ed Harris shared the thank you sentiments from the Wolf Den for the washer and dryer given to them. A thank you from CASA for the cash donation given to them. Guest speaker was from the Ventana Wild Life Society. Biologist Mike Stake shared stories about the condor rehab program and the difficulties from the recent fires. He shared baby Inki's trials and tribulations due to the fire, the loss of a parent and his subsequent rescue and rehab in Los Angeles. The fire left 9 condors missing and two chicks dead and the Sanctuary destroyed. It was a fascinating look into the science and struggles of the Condor rehab program. This was the last meeting of Rotary Nipomo until 2021. Stay safe, have a happy holiday and we will see you next year! |
Rotary of Nipomo Zoom Meeting December 16, 2020 | 2020-12-19 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Nipomo Rotary Zoom meeting 12/9/202018 brave souls made their way to their computer screen for President Ed Harris's 24th meeting. John Brantinham gave his always fun introduction . Kenneth lead the invocation. Time for another "Conversation with Harry" and who should be this weeks interviewee? Well, none other than our very own Ed Harris! Golf, is a great intreat of Ed's and we got to hear some of the interesting times he has had on the golf course. He also participates in two Rotary Golf Clubs. The Monterey Bay Fellowship being one and the other US/Canada Golfing fellowship of Rotary. Brags: Harry Walls about the social at the Dana Abobe Announcements: George alerted us to the Space station schedule It was announced that our club received a check from the County for $5,649.00 for the service our club performed at the Edward's barn for running the local Voters Service Center. Judy announced with the pandemic we won't be having our annual Childrens Christmas Party. Speaker Brendan Kelso spoke about his Childrens books particularly "Shakespeare For Kid's" With over 40,000 books sold he has made an impressive contribution to the education of children. I hear I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand Confucius Benefits of his drama program include: Empathy Creativity Social Skills/Team Building Comprehension Education Self Awareness Confidence building Presentation Skills Enunciation Improvisation "Nothing comes of Nothing" It was an interesting talk about a valuable service.
Nipomo Rotary Zoom meeting 12/9/2020 | 2020-12-12 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Zoom Meeting December 2, 2020President Ed Harris's 23 meeting started with John Brantingham stating " the president admits everyone wants to live forever but nobody wants to get old." Kenneth gave the invocation. Jerry lead us in our pledge of allegiance to the flag. Roger Ridley was there to give us "THIS DAY IN HISTORY" He regaled us with Historic facts starting in 1804 with Napoleon clear up to 1998 with bill Gates donating a million immunizations. Bill Puccurelli talked about Rotary geography. Brags: Ron Willis bragged about his sons birthday Mary Mylan bragged about a large family gathering in a rented house for their annual Thanksgiving gathering. Roger bragged that one of his grandsons celebrated his 17th birthday. ANNOUNCEMENTS : none Our guest Speaker was Ron Traner a volunteer from High Cap and he gave us in depth information on what it takes to successfully enroll for Medicare.
Zoom Meeting December 2, 2020 | 2020-12-05 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
November 4, 2020 Rotary of Nipomo Zoom meetingEd Harris's 19th meeting as this years President began with John Brantingham introducing Ed. Ed gives a hearty welcome to our guests. Odell Lee lead us in the invocation. Roger (play ball!) Ridley lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Roger's "Moment in History" took us from 1650 with the birth of William the 3rd to 1939 with the first Air conditioning for Automobiles. BRAGS: Walter bragged about Ed's continuing his technological prowess so our meeting can continue via Zoom until it is safe to meet in person once again. Harry bragged about the work done for the Election Roger has a "new mug" of Harry's left behind in haste as he departed from long four days at Edward's Barn. Announcements: Our Guest Aaron Melon encouraged our club members to once again give to his "NIPOMO NOEL" project on December 3, 2020 from 5pm to 9 pm. Kat Stowell said help was needed pulling turkey for the community dinner on November 15. Please lend a hand if you are available. Ed Harris reminded us that it is time to start turning in your Raffle Tickets. A big Thanks! to Bill Pucirelli for his coordination of the four day Voter Service Center. His cool demeanor pulled us through days of tension and some challenges. Another thank you to Judy for once again making sure volunteers were well fed on Election day at dinner time. Bob Sander was mentioned not just for his time given but that of his wife and neighbors. Bob was responsible for 50 man hours at the Voters Service Center and the sale of a number of Raffle tickets. Way to go Bob! Thank you to George Dubois for accompanying Bill to safely deliver ballots after polls closed. Nipomo Food Basket is looking for food. If you are moved to donate you can take your items to the MAC building in Trilogy located on Trilogy Parkway on either Friday 11/13/20 or 11/16/20. Items most coveted would include peanut butter, cereal, canned vegetables, frozen turkeys and cold hard cash. They will be open to accept your generosity from 10 am till 2 pm. Mario Iglesias gave us a brief update on the work trying to improve the center dividers along Tefft. The struggle is real. Great speakers from CENTRAL COAST VETERANS HELPING VETERANS. They explained the four facets to the veteran community: * VETERANS TREATMENT COURT MENTORS *VETERAN CARE PROGRAM *VETERAN HOME REPAIR *VETERAN VISITATION *VETERANS GRANTS AND LOANS They presented us with the history and overview. An explanation of how a veteran can get in the court program If this interests you or any one you know you can help by Volunteering and or donating cash. |
November 4, 2020 Rotary of Nipomo Zoom meeting | 2020-11-05 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo October 28, 2020Another Zoom meeting for Rotary Club of Nipomo. This meeting is President Ed Harris's 18th of his term. John Brantingham assured us that our President WOULD NOT pose the question to our guest speaker " if you were to arrest a mime would you remind him that he had the right to stay silent/". Odell Lee introduced our quest speaker. Ken said a prayer of thanks and asked for guidance and blessings. The pledge of Allegiance was given. Odell gave an update on guest speakers and has the schedule filled till spring but asked if any one has ideas for future speakers please contact him. Braggs: George has been married a long time! Collette's granddaughter had a birthday. Ron celebrated his 35th wedding anniversary John Brantingham.s brother and his family have recovered from the Covid-19 corona virus. Lee Baggett is able to restart his business after a 7 month shut down due to covid-19 concerns. Happy Trails! Ken White is home and recovering from his recent surgery. Cathy Catchu had another birthday. Announcements: Mr. Puccirelli lead us in a Happy Birthday song for Cathy Catchu. Bill also gave us a brief update on the upcoming election process. Kat Stowell gave an update on ThankGiving and will keep us posted as plans are finalized. Ed Harris reminded us of the upcoming District Conference with will be virtual this year on 11/5/20. There will be a $25.00 registration fee. Speaker Danny Miller from the Deputy Sheriff's office gave us a very informative talk on homelessness in San Luis Opisbo County. He apprised us of the difficulties of dealing with the problem's associated with this condition due to California laws. We were informed about the resources available to the homeless population through Prado and with mental health experts. It is a challenging issue that isn't going to be easily resolved. |
Rotary Club of Nipomo October 28, 2020 | 2020-10-28 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary of Nipomo Meeting 17 10/21/17Zooming into his 17th meeting as President, Ed Harris stationed at Quintessa Coffee Roasters in Oceano conducted the weekly Rotary gathering. John introduced Ed and then Ken Shadle guided our thoughts to the divine and asked for blessings from above. Roger Ridley gave us interesting tidbits with his presentation of TODAY IN HISTORY Starting in 1492 with Columbus sailing the ocean blue up to 1980 and the Phillies winning the World Series baseball game. Speaking of history Mr. Bill Puccirelli told of the story of Rotary Club in Havana Cuba. Starting in 1916 with the establishment of the first club and by 1957 there were 60 clubs on the Island. Sadly none exist there today as Rotary International dissolved the membership of the Island residents because they did not agree with the form of government established after the Revolution. Time for some Braggs! Peggy Hess bragged that the first meeting with her estate planning attorney was complementary. So she gave a little to Rotary in return. Jim Harrison announced his granddaughter just gave birth. Apparently this isn't his first one as it sounds like he has enough grand children to start his own Rotary Club Ed Harrison thanked Kelly for helping him Zoom the meeting from Quintessa Coffee Roasters. Announcements The demise of Bill Bettancourt's wife has been greatly exaggerated. Last reported she is alive and well. Jim Harrison reported on the BBQ trailer. Thanks Giving is fast approaching and decisions need to be made on plans for helping. Kat discussed BBQing all the turkeys in lieu of oven baked this year. We were encouraged to continue selling Raffle tickets. This years virtual conference will be virtual. Some interesting speakers are lined up so be sure to register. Our guest speakers were the owner and head Roaster from Quintessa Coffee in Oceano. Owner Daniel explained his passion for coffee and walked us through the whole process with an occasional asset from Jack the roaster to make a great cup from procurement of the beans to the roasting process to cupping to selling the beans. An excellent product and an asset to our community. The business emphasis is on wholesale production but they are open to the public for a great cup of aromatic coffee or a bag of beans for home use.
Rotary of Nipomo Meeting 17 10/21/17 | 2020-10-24 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Sept. 22 Rotary MeetingThe meeting convened on Zoom with John Brantingham introducing Ed Harris's 13th meeting. There were three guests, Jim Lewis, District 5240 Polio Plus Chairman, Brett Morey from La Jolla Golden Triangle club and Rose Parade Float Director, Mike Laughlin from Palm Pines Rotary Club and Katherine Hudson from the Cayucos club. Ken Shadle provided the invocation and Ron Willis led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bill Pucciarelli and Bob Sanders had BIG Birthday brags ( Bob - Sept. 9 and Bill - Sept. 27). Odell Lee bragged on his 51st wedding anniversary. Congratulations (or maybe condolences) to Nora! A moment of silence was held for former member and the second president of the Rotary Club of Nipomo, Phil Henry, Jr. His obituary noted memorials may be sent to the Rotary International Foundation in his memory. Rotary was important in Phil's life. Jim Lewis provided the club with a brief update on the eradication of Polio. He said there are still cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He told us Africa is polio free which is a significant accomplishment because the continent has to report no cases for three years to be certified polio free. Jim Lewis will be back as our speaker to present the entire Polio eradication story after the first of the year. Jim also mentioned how many Rotarians are participating the District Challenge -, which raises money for Polio Plus. Jim thanked the club for it's past contribution to a clinic in India which helps kids with Cerebral Palsy. Announcements - There will be no meeting Sept. 30. Members wishing to do so can go to Rooster Creek Tavern for dinner on Sept. 30. There is no group room reserved. People will be seated and served at individual tables as they arrive. We need volunteers to staff the Voter Center at the Edwards Barn 10/31 thru 11/3. Contact Bill Pucciarelli at The updated club ByLaws have been sent to all the members by secretary, George Dubois. The club will vote to approve the ByLaws after three weeks. The speaker was Gordon Lu, former owner of the CoffePot restaurant in Morro Bay. Gordon Lu ( Lu Chi Fa ) was born in 1942 in Jiangsu Province of China. He grew up there and in Shanghai HongKong and Taiwan. As an orphan, he was shuffled from one house to another; he often was hungry, beaten and forced to beg to survive. In 1969, he immigrated to the United States, and through hard work and perseverance realized the American dream of success. Gordon told the club that he came to the United States at age 26, landed in Honolulu and realized his visa was only good for 38 days. He quickly tried to enroll in college with little prior education. Somehow he obtained a student visa to stay for four years. He moved to Denver where he applied for permanent residency. He became a US citizen in 1983. He purchased a fast food restaurant in LA near the airport and owned that for less than 10 years. He then moved to Morro Bay and started the CoffeePot restaurant, He owned the restaurant for 30 years and closed it this March at the start of the pandemic. Gordon told us how lucky he is. His book 'Double Luck' tells of his life story of struggling as an orphan in China to immigrating to the United States. He said it was required reading by many schools in California and by Cal Poly in the past. He has spoken to many school groups about the tremendous opportunities there are in the United States. He believes and appreciates that the United States is the land of opportunity, but it takes hard work also. He said at one time he was financially well off, on top of the mountain as he called it, but the past recession and now the pandemic have set him back. He now lives in a 1200 square foot mobile home and is happy and grateful. He gives the profits from his book 'Double Luck' to the Morro Bay Library. He said the community has been good to him while he operated the Coffee Pot Restaurant and he wanted to give back to the community. His donations to the Morro Bay Library total $35,000. The book can be purchased from the website or Amazon. He lived the American Dream and is grateful for all the American has provided for him. ![]() |
Sept. 22 Rotary Meeting | 2020-09-24 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Sept. 16, 2020 Zoom Meeting President Ed Harris invocated Wednesday's meeting with a short prayer. Ken Shadle had technical difficulties and was unavailable when the meeting convened. Jim Harrison led us in the pledge of allegiance. Bill Pucciarelli, Cees, Ron Willis, John Brantingham and Roger Ridley all had brags. Roger was tuning in from Cody, Wyoming! Roger puts Rotary right up there with vacation, both are important. We noted Bob Sanders birthday with Bill Pucciarelli singing Happy Birthday to him (not quite the same as Marilyn Monroe). Roger presented this day in history from Cody, Wyoming. Bill Pucciarelli presented the Rotary minute on the Rose Bowl Parade Rotary Float. The float is a collaboration of Rotary zones in southern California. It does not receive any money Rotary International. It costs about $100-$150,000 to produce and enter a float in the Rose Bowl Parade. The Rose Bowl float is a great public image project for Rotary, as the parade is viewed by 125 million people worldwide. Announcements - The board meeting is Sept. 22 at 5:00PM. We need to cover approximately 36 four hour shifts at the Voter Center at Edwards Barn on 10/31, 11/1, 11/2 and Election Day, 11/3. Please sign up on line on Rotary Club of Nipomo Clubrunner or contact Bill Pucciarelli at Please ask your spouse, significant other, kids, grandkids or other relatives if they will help us. The volunteer has to be a registered voter. The speaker was Sarah DeYoung from San Luis Obispo Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). She told has there are about 225 CASA advocates in the county and they represent about 500 kids a year in SLO county. She said CASA is always looking for volunteers. She said the volunteers at 90% women and 10% men. She said men are needed as volunteers because many of the kids have not had a positive male role model in their lives. She indicated that 80% of the cases they stand up for the kids are neglect or abuse cases to get the kids removed from the home. This is usually because the parents have problems and/or addictions and cannot care for their children. CASA advocates hold the educational rights for the children and represent them with the school district. She indicated that with distance learning it is difficult. The school district is supposed to loan children without a device a chrome book. However the chrome books are over loaned and there is a shortage. She said sometimes lack of WiFi can be a problem. CASA now trains the volunteers on line via Zoom. They have had three new groups of volunteer this year. CASA gets their funding from two sources, grants and fundraisers. There is going to a virtual fundraiser Oct. 23, 2020. If you would like to participate go to CASA usually receives holiday gift cards from shoppers at retailers. However during the pandemic, they are reaching out to the public for $25 Target gift cards. If you would like to contribute, purchase one and contact them at the website to donate it. Next week's speaker is Gordon Lu from Morro Bay. He will tell his story of being an orphan in China, escaping Communist China and immigrating to the United States. |
Sept. 16, 2020 Zoom Meeting | Edwin Harris | 2020-09-17 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Tefft Street StreetSaturday morning September 12 a crew of 6 showed up for the Tefft Street cleanup as a service to our Nipomo community. Thank you Ed Harris, Ken White, Mario Igleasia, Harry Walls, George Dubois & Lee Baggett. The group was able to trim plants, remove trash and sweep up.
Tefft Street Street | 2020-09-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary of Nipomo September 9, 2020Today President Ed Harris presided over his 11th meeting of Rotary of Nipomo. John Brantingham introduced Ed with the quip "remembering college as great because you could write a check for 39 cents and bounce it!' We had Monzur as a guest again today. Welcome back! Ken Shadle gave thanks and prayed for strength during these trying time and for our firefighters safety. Bill Puccirelli lead us in our Pledge of Allegiance. "Conversations with Harry" Mr Harry Walls in his continuing series interviewed club member Ken White. An interesting story of Ken's life from childhood turmoil to successful businessman. A life of love and pain of wine collecting and parenting. Thank you for sharing Ken! Brags! Ken White is a proud dad of a very successful son in the Finance World recently recognized by Forbes magazine as top 40 under 40. Lou Gomez bragged that her grandson just celebrated his 23 birthday. Peggy Hesse was proud to announce her sons 39th birthday. Gerald bragged about none other than President Harris replacing his long cherished mug that was recently broken. Bruce Beaudoin spoke of his continuing success with his current avocado harvest despite the extreme heat. Harry bragged That this is a day he always remembers from his working days as it is a day he always got to take off! Announcements: George wanted to remind us if we want a donut we need to show up and support the Teffi Street cleanup this coming Saturday 9/12/2020 Ed reminded us the scheduled Board Meeting will be on a new date. Bill let us know we need to step up and help man the Voter Service Center from 10/31 through 11/3. Today's guest speaker: Ken Walthers of Hancock College spoke today on the history and successes on this their 100 Year Anniversary. He talked by poverty and the high rate of High School dropouts in the area and the college's successful Promise Program to help educate and thereby raise the standard of living of the local population. They are able to show potential students through tours all the potential opportunities and that What you want to do Hancock is the answer. The talk ended with questions and answers. |
Rotary of Nipomo September 9, 2020 | 2020-09-09 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Assists Nipomo Food BasketKelly Ricker and Ed Harris presented the Nipomo Food Basket with a check for $2464 on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The funds came from the members that continued to pay the meal costs even though the club is not meeting at the Butterfly Grill. One of the volunteers, Marcia Traversaro, was on hand for the presentation. Marcia is a member of the Pismo Five Cities Rotary club. The director of the Nipomo Food Basket, Leon Leornas, gave Kelly & Ed a tour of the operation. The Food Basket receives fresh produce from neighborhood gardens and orchards. They also receive donations from Vons, Trader Joes and other grocery stores. They do not distribute any expired food. Their motto is they won’t distribute any food they would not serve to their own mother or grandmother. The Food Basket also purchases food from both the Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo county food banks. The Nipomo Food Basket is open Mon., Tue., Thur. & Fridays. They make up fresh boxes of produce each day with the produce that is in season and what is donated. They gladly accept donations of Beans, Pasta/Spaghetti, Cans of Tuna/Chicken, Soup, Cans of Vegetables, Tomato Sauce, Cereal, Rice, Coffee, Dairy (Instant Milk), Crackers, Mayonnaise, Peanut Butter and Popcorn. ![]() ![]() |
Rotary Club of Nipomo Assists Nipomo Food Basket | 2020-09-05 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Nipomo Rotary Zoom Meeting #9 |
Nipomo Rotary Zoom Meeting #9 | Lee Baggett | 2020-09-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Weekly Rotary Meeting via Zoom August 26 2020 |
Weekly Rotary Meeting via Zoom August 26 2020 | 2020-08-27 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Zoom meeting August 19, 2020 |
Rotary Zoom meeting August 19, 2020 | 2020-08-19 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
New Story August 06 2020 |
New Story August 06 2020 | 2020-08-06 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
ROTARY ZOOM MEETING | 2020-07-22 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
JULY 15, 2020 ROTARY CLUB OF NIPOMO | Lee Baggett | 2020-07-15 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
ROTARY OF NIPOMO MEETING JULY 8, 2020 | Lee Baggett | 2020-07-10 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Virtual Meeting via ZOOMToday, July 1st, was President Ed Harris's first meeting. With just a few technical difficulties to start we had a very productive meeting. Roger Ridley gave us "This Day in History" 1200 first sunglasses by the Chinese 1776 first vote on the Declaration of Independence 1847 first USA postage stamps 1859 joint reading of Charles Darwin/Braggs paper 1863 first Battle of Gettysburg 1867 Dominion of Canda established. Happy Canada Day! 1903 Tour de France 1904 Olympics were held in Saint Lois. 3rd Olympics in modern times. 1916 Coca Cola has new recipe 1916 Battle of Somme 1944 2,500 people killed in London from Greman bombs 1963 USA implements Zone Improvement Plan better known as Zip Code 1971 Golden Gate Bridge debt paid off The following are some of our clubs accomplishments this past year under President Kelly Richter Rotary Club of Nipomo Foundation grants 2019-2020
2. The Foundation provided $2500 to the Lucia Mar School District to teach Newsliteracy to 7th graders. The program teaches 7th graders to discern between what is a legitimate news article on the internet and what is an opinion piece, by asking themselves questions and checking the source of the article. 3. We provided $2000 for Operation Footprint in Honduras which repairs childhood deformities due to clubfoot. 4. Under Kelly’s leadership, the Foundation granted $6000 for college scholarships for local high school students. 5. $1000 for Vocational Scholarships 6. The Foundation contributed $500 to the Zach Elliot Scholarship Fund. Zach Elliot was a local student who is now deceased. A Scholarship Fund has been started in his name by the local High School. 7. The Foundation provided $615 for transportation for 6th grade students in the Lucia Mar school district to attend the Rancho El Chorro outdoor school. The Rotary Club of Cayucas has been instrumental in building that outdoor school and has written a global grant to fund it’s expansion. 8. The Foundation provided $500 to a global grant for children suffering from cerebral Palsy in Kolkata, West Bengal India. 9. The Foundation granted $4500 to the Nipomo Little League for a new scoreboard. The Rotary Club of Nipomo is recognized as a supporter on the scoreboard. 10. The Foundation provided another $1250 of a $5000 pledge to the Arroyo Grande Hospital. 11. Kelly completed a District 5240 grant that provided the funds for educational supplies to the school children that visit the Dana Adobe. When you think about where all that money and went and what is did, you realize this little club has a far reaching impact, from Nipomo to Honduras to India. Board of Directors for this year. President Elect - Mary Mylan Treasurer - Cees Dobbe Secretary - George Dubois Community Service - Jim Harrison Membership - Judy Henbury Program Chair - Odell Lee Vocational Service - Walter Con Public Image - Lee Baggett International Service - Harry Walls Youth Service - Kelly Ricker Foundation Chair - Bruce Beaudoin Club Administration - Judy Henbury & Cathy Cachu Our Club Goals for 2020-2021 can be viewed on, Rotary International’s website. Here at the Rotary Club of Nipomo last year, as a club we donated 1074 hours of our time volunteering for different community projects. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make Nipomo better. Thank you George for keeping track of that. Our Rotary minute by Bill Pucciarelli Rotary is an organization of business and professional person united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. |
Virtual Meeting via ZOOM | Lee Baggett | 2020-07-01 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President Kelly Ricker's Last Presidential Meeting |
President Kelly Ricker's Last Presidential Meeting | Walter J Con | 2020-06-25 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Honoring our local Sheriff's DepartmentIn continuation of our June 6thpost where Rotary Club of Nipomo honored local agencies that protect and serve our communities, here is information on our local Sheriff’s office. The Sheriff’s South Station currently serves a population of 40,000 citizens living in Oceano, Nipomo, and the unincorporated areas of Arroyo Grande. The total coverage area extends from Pismo Beach to Santa Barbara County and East to the Kern County line. The station is comprised of one Commander, two Sergeants, four Senior Deputies, twenty- three Deputy Sheriffs and two Legal Clerks. The South Station is also home to two Deputies / K9 Partners teams. One K9 team is trained in suspect apprehension and drug detention. The other K9 team is trained in apprehension and explosive material detection. The experience of the deputies at the station ranges from just completed training to over 30 years of law enforcement experience. The station is comprised of deputies that completed the academy through the Sheriff’s Office and others that came from outside agencies such as Pismo Beach PD, Santa Maria PD, San Luis Obispo PD, Roseville PD, Fresno PD, San Bernardino County Sheriff, and Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office. The South Station is responsible for approximately 850 square miles. In 2019, deputies from the station responded to over 23,000 calls for service, generated over 3,500 written reports, and made over 1,100 arrests and misdemeanor citations. |
Honoring our local Sheriff's Department | Lee Baggett | 2020-06-20 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 6-10-2020Giving President Kelly Ricker a break, today’s meeting was opened by Past President, Harry Walls. After our weekly prayer delivered by retired pastor, Ken Shadle, we proceeded with our virtual meeting. Do you remember those boring history classes from high school? I do. Well, our club is fortunate to have the always exciting and dynamic Roger Ridley to teach us a little through our Moment in History. Today Roger covered events occurring on this day from 1190 through 2020: 1190: Third Crusade: Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa drowns while crossing the Saleph River 1610: Thomas West, Baron de La Mar, is appointed governor of Virginia and; settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize Manhattan Island 1752: Benjamin Franklin tests the lightning conductor with his kite-flying experiment 1845: Andrew Jackson’s parrot removed from his funeral for swearing 1962: 54 homeruns were hit on this day 1975: New York Yankees Army Day Celebration with a 21-gun salute that blew away part of the fence and another part is set afire. 2020: This one is mine, not Rodger’s: “On this day in history”, we all got to see Rodger’s handsome face at our virtual meeting! Ed Harris, President Elect, presented our Rotary Minute that came from this month’s issue, on page 12, of The Rotarian Magazine. The topic was Global Etiquette and here are a few tips when visiting other countries (and we will travel again!): when getting off an elevator in Poland, say “thank you” to your fellow riders; in Brazil, call people by their first names; in Germany however, do not address a person who is not a friend or longtime acquaintance by their first name – address them as Mr./Ms.; in Peru, kiss a woman on the cheek when introduced, while two man always shake hands; in Japan it is considered rude to talk on the phone on public transportation. Interesting stuff. Thanks Ed. Our speaker today was CEO of the SLO Food Bank and member of the San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Rotary Club, Mr. Garret Olson. Garret gave us an informative and eye-opening presentation on hunger in our county and how the SLO Food Bank works to overcome it. He covered much information and here are my takeaways:
Thank you, Garret, for your time today and the work you and your team do to feed the needy in our county! |
Our Virtual Meeting 6-10-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-06-10 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Donates $2,150 to SLO Food BankPresident Kelly Ricker and club members Lou Gomez, Ed Harris and Walter Con represent the Rotary Club of Nipomo in donating $2,150 to the San Luis Obispo Food Bank. Accepting the donation is Garret Olson, Chief Executive Officer of the SLO Food Bank (see the picture below with appropriate social distancing). On a side note, Garret is a Rotarian with San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Rotary Club and he is our speaker at this Wednesday’s meeting. Garret explained to us that our donation will provide 15,050 meals! No, this is not a typo. It’s true, 15,050 meals. Through the efficiencies of the food bank, their generous partners and the many, many, many volunteers, the food bank is able to provide seven (7) healthy and nutritious meals for every $1 donated. That’s impressive. WOOHOO! So, where did the $2,150 come from? Our normal weekly meetings include breakfast that each member pays for on their own. However, during this time of virtual meetings, club members made the decision to continue to be charged for breakfasts and donate these funds to the SLO Food Bank. Thank you to all members who did so. Service Above Self! |
Rotary Club of Nipomo Donates $2,150 to SLO Food Bank | Walter J Con | 2020-06-08 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 6-3-2020Filling in the duties of president today, was Past President Bill Pucciarelli who called our virtual meeting to order at 7:35am. Roger Ridley shared many historical events during his Moment in History presentation. Here are a few samples of what occurred on this day, some being many, many years ago: 1539: Hernando de Soto of Spain claims what is now known as Florida 1781: John Jouett warns Thomas Jefferson of a pending attack by British forces 1946: First bikini “revealed” in Paris, France 1948: Sculpture of Crazy Horse commences 1955: Stan the Man hits his 300th home run with the St. Louis Cardinals 1967: Aretha Franklin releases what will be a #1 hit: R-E-S-P-E-C-T 1972: Sally Priesand becomes the first ordained female rabbi 2018: Golden State Warriors beat the Cleveland Cavaliers by 3 points in Game 3 of the NBA finals For our Rotary Minute, Ed Harris referred to the ABCs of Rotary publication on how there are always opportunities for fellowship in Rotary. Weekly meetings hold special privileges for members to greet friends, meet guests and get to know new members. Rotary clubs that have a reputation for being "friendly clubs" usually follow a few simple steps: First, members are encouraged to sit in a different seat or at a different table each week. Second, Rotarians are urged to sit with a member they may not know as well as their long-time personal friends. Third, members invite new members or visitors to join their table just by saying: "Come join us, we have an empty chair at this table." Good reminder for us Ed. Thanks! Our guest speaker today was Andy Stenson. In addition to being the Superintendent of Lucia Mar Unified School District, he is a member of the Arroyo Grande Rotary Club. Andy updated us on the use of bond funds that have been provided by our community. As an example, recently there were 16 dilapidated classrooms replaced with new modular classrooms at Dana Elementary. For complete information on bond projects, please see: Andy focused most of his time on the impact to the district caused by the Coronavirus and what the future holds. School will commence August 13th under one of three models. The best-case scenario is that state and local health officials will determine it is safe to resume full session school. No social distancing required. The second scenario would be a split schedule of some sort allowing for partial day attendance of school, possibly combined with some distance learning. And the last scenario, worst case, would be to continue with full distance learning. This option, while better than nothing, is not a good long-term situation for student learning. Andy acknowledged the challenges for working parents set forth by a split schedule and said the district is considering how they can assist. Other considerations he mentioned included, more frequent sanitization of classrooms and restrooms and possibly eliminating use of playgrounds and playground equipment. Cafeteria use won’t look the same either. As with many other areas of our society, school districts must be forward thinking and remain fluid to adapt, depending on how the Coronavirus continues to impact us. Very informative. Thank you for your time, Andy. |
Our Virtual Meeting 6-3-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-06-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Road Map to In Person Meetings
Posted by Walter J Con
Hello Nipomo Rotarians, Incoming President, Ed Harris, wanted to share this document written by Rotarian, Chas Wilson. Yes, there will be a day when we can safely resume handshakes and Rotary hugs!
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Road Map to In Person Meetings | Walter J Con | 2020-06-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President Elect Ed Harris Virtually Meets with BoardPresident Elect 2020-21, Ed Harris, met today virtually with his incoming board to discuss goals for next year. Ed commenced with introductions and acknowledgement of President Kelly Ricker’s accomplishments this year. Thank you Kelly for all you’ve done! Next topic was how does Rotary look next year in light of COVID-19. We spent some time specifically discussing what meetings look like........virtual, in person, both. While its reasonable to assume we will be meeting virtually for the next couple of months, our club needs to be planning for in person meetings in the near future. Check back here on Tuesday to read a really interesting document written by Rotarian, Chas Wilson, that can be used as a road map for resuming in person Rotary meetings. As a preview to this, one of the actions is to get club member input on in person meetings, which Ed will be doing soon. Stay health all! |
President Elect Ed Harris Virtually Meets with Board | Walter J Con | 2020-05-30 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 5-27-2020President Kelly Ricker called our virtual meeting to order at about 7:35am. However, not before she shared a few really cool pictures of some of our members in high school. I noted, none of us have changed a bit! Many members attended this morning and we were honored with our one guest, Savi Bhim, our Rotary District 5240 Governor. She was our speaker today and offered some very inspirational thoughts. More on this later. Roger Ridley presented our Moment in History with events from as early as 1199 through 2016 that occurred on this day. Here are a few highlights: 1199: John Lackland, brother of King Richard, became the King of England 1837: James Butler Hickok, better known as Wild Bill Hickok was born 1927: Ford Motor Company ceases production of the Model T 2016: President Barack Obama is the first President to visit the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima Ed Harris enlightened us with a Rotary Minute from the publication The ABCs of ROTARY. The topic, located on page 25, is titled, No Personal Privileges. In essence, this ethical belief of Rotary states that no member of Rotary shall receive personal or business benefit as a result of membership. The primary purpose of Rotary membership is to serve others. Having said that, members develop personal relationships and friendships that will naturally lead to increased business and this occurrence, is not inconsistent with the ethics of Rotary. For more info on THE ABCS OF ROTARY: Nicely done, Ed! Our speaker and Governor of Rotary District 5240, Savi Bhim, gave a moving presentation on the current challenges facing our society and Rotary in light of COVID-19. She shared that this is not the first time Rotary has faced challenges due to global issues. Governor Bhim highlighted 3 global events wherein Rotary rose to the occasion and helped others in need. These events were World War I in 1914, The Great Depression in 1929 and World War II in 1942. In all events, Rotarians overcame the challenges of these times and found ways to help others in need. For example, during WWI, Rotary founded the Boys to the Farm Program. This program sought out teen boys to work farms to ensure there was enough food for the needy. In the midst of the Great Depression, Rotarians promoted home improvement/hardware store sales to support local businesses. And during WWII, Rotarians supported The Red Cross and helped the injured. Governor Bhim emphasized that Rotary survived each global crisis and came out stronger. We evolved and she encourages us to do the same as we navigate through the current COVID-19 crisis. She closed with stating the Rotary is the strongest and largest and most impactful world-wide organization in existence today. Thank you Governor Savi. You made me proud and humble to be a Rotarian. |
Our Virtual Meeting 5-27-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-05-27 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 5-13-2020President Kelly Ricker opened our 2nd virtual meeting of May this morning. There were many smiling Rotarian faces and two guests. One guest was our Past District Governor of District 5240 and friend, Sandy Schwartz. She attended because she said, “I missed you so I joined your meeting”. Our second guest was our speaker, Sarah Robinson, and you’ll read more about her below. Roger Ridley presented our Moment in History with historical events from 1846 – 1968. Here are a few highlights: 1846: US declares war on Mexico 1934: Dust Bowl Storm occurred 1940: Winston Churchill first speech to Parliament, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat” 1950: Diners Club created the first credit card 1958: Velcro was trademarked 1968: Reggie Jackson had struck out 2,000 times For our Rotary Minute, Ed Harris provided some interesting details about a Rotary tradition from the publication title, The ABC’s of Rotary. Ed shared with us the tradition of using first names or nicknames, rather than formally addressing someone as Mr., Ms., doctor, etc. Sometimes in the Asian countries, nicknames have been used. Such as in the case where a Rotarian whose business was the manufacture of chemical gases and his nickname, “Oxygen”. Or a Rotarian in the lumber business whose nickname was, “Trees”. Ed suggests some nicknames for a few of our members: Judy being in the fair food concession business could be called, My Fair Lady; George being a scientist could be called, Standard Deviation; Odell being retired from the CIA could be called, CYA and Lee being in the trail management business could be called, Transcendental. Fun stuff Ed! Thanks Our speaker, Sarah Robinson, joined us today to share about a wonderful program called ShelterBox. A little bit about Sharah: She is the Director of Development of ShelterBox USA, Rotary International’s project partner in disaster relief. She has a love for service and finds ways to help others, as a community volunteer and through her non-profit career. Sharah is on the boards of The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History and the Rotary Club of Albuquerque Rio Grande, where she is immediate past president and a member of the Paul Harris Society. There is much to share about the worthy cause, but not enough space here. So, I’ll provide just a brief overview with a link to the ShelterBox website. ShelterBox provides temporary shelters and basic equipment to people throughout the world whose homes have been destroyed by natural disasters or conflict. They respond within 24 – 48 hours bringing shelter kits to the needy. Shelter kits include items such as tents, cooking equipment, solar lights, water filters and basic tools. For more information see their website: Thank you, Sarah, for attending our virtual meeting and making us aware of ShelterBox. We hope to see you in person at a future meeting. |
Our Virtual Meeting 5-13-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-05-13 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 5-6-2020Always a pleasure to have our lovely President, Kelly Ricker, open our rotary meeting as she did today. Albeit, in person or virtual. Today it was virtual and we all look forward to it being in person again soon. Many of our club Rotarians attended today and amazing how “virtually proficient” we’ve all become. Never too old to learn something new! We enjoyed attendance by one guest who was our speaker today. More to follow on him. Our Moment in History presented by the dazzling Roger Ridley included historical events that occurred on this day from 1626 through 2001. Here are some interesting examples: 1626: Peter Minuit, a Dutchman, purchases Manhattan island 1837: John Deere invents the steel plow 1889: World’s Fair in Paris, France featuring the Eiffel Tower 1937: The Hindenburg disaster occurs 1940: John Steinbeck earns the Pulitzer Prize for The Grapes of Wrath 1941: Bob Hope performs the first USO show in Riverside, CA at March Field 2001: Pope John Paul II visits Syria and is the first pope to enter a mosque Ed Harris, who is always enthusiastic about Rotary, presented our Rotary Minute. He attended virtually the Rotary Covid-19 Response Telethon this past Saturday sharing that is was most inspirational and uplifting. Ed said, it connected the world and we received comments from all over. If you didn’t have a chance to attend, Ed highly recommends you watch it on YouTube: Next Ed spoke about an honorary Rotarian, Mother Teresa. She was the speaker at the 1981 Rotary Convention in Brazil. He shared many of her peaceful and meaningful comments made during her speech. Great Rotary stuff, Ed! Our speaker today was Scott Phillips. Scott has been a member of the Goleta Noontime Rotary Club since 2013. He is also involved in our Rotary District 5240 with the current title of District Administrator. He is in line to take on the responsibilities of District Governor in 2022-23. Scott is also the CEO of Synergy Computing, Inc. which is an IT support and security company. He presented on the topic of cyber security informing us of the high frequency of computer fraud taking place daily. It was kinda scary. At the same time, he provided numerous suggestions to protect oneself from becoming a victim of cybercrime. Some really useful tips on something seemingly as simple as passwords. Some of his useful tips, and other information on his company, can be found at his website: Thank you Scott for your time and valuable information! |
Our Virtual Meeting 5-6-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-05-06 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual meeting of 4-29-2020Hello all. Rotary Club of Nipomo is alive and well! Our weekly virtual meeting took place this Wednesday morning with a lively group of Rotarians. Our two guest speakers, Bob Ferguson and David Doran were in attendance. More on them later. President Kelly opened the meeting, followed by the pledge of allegiance to our United States of America, and then a heart-felt and time-appropriate invocation by Ken Shadle. Roger Ridley, once again entertained and educated us with his Moment in History. He cited 13 momentous events that took place on this day from 1587 to 2004. Nicely done Roger! 1587: Sir Frances Drake attacks Spanish naval forces in the Bay of Cadiz 1701: Netherlands adopts the Gregorian calendar 1863: William Randolph Hearst is born 1967: Aretha Franklin’s famous version of “Respect” is released 2004: The last Oldsmobile car rolled off the assembly line Ed Harris was next up with his “Rotary Minute”. The Rotary Club of Ojai has donated food and cash to help those in recent need due to the impact of Covid 19. Ed also shared that there will be Rotary Covid 19 Response Telethon on May 2nd. The goal to raise $1,000,000. Think about it………….if each of rotary’s 1.2 million members donated just $1, just one little dollar, rotary would significantly exceed it’s goal. For more information click here: Our guest speakers were David Doran, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones located in Nipomo; and Bob Ferguson, Vice President of JP Morgan Asset Management for the Northwest region. Bob shared valuable historical information regarding the behavior of the financial markets. He highlighted the current impact of Covid 19 and the oversupply of oil in the world. He provided suggestions on dealing with the current market volatility and investing principles. Thank you to both David and Bob for this interesting and useful presentation. |
Our Virtual meeting of 4-29-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-04-30 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Virtual Meeting 4-22-2020Today’s virtual meeting was opened by President, Kelly Ricker with many of our members attending. Our speaker, Kelly L. Swann was our only guest that you’ll see more about below. Our Moment in History was presented by Roger Ridley naming numerous milestone events that took place on this day from as early as 1500. A few of those events were: 1823 – R.J. Tyers patents the roller skate, 1864 – the words “In God We Trust” were engraved on our 2-cent coin, 1914 – Babe Ruth makes his debut with the Boston Red Sox and in 1981 – Fernando Valenzuela pitches a shutout. Roger always brings to light interesting historical events. Thanks Roger! Ed Harris informed us of some of the meaningful things Rotary International is doing during the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis. One of the areas is working with the infrastructure of the Global Polio Eradication Network, and Partners, to stop Covid-19. Many volunteers from countries throughout the world are participating. Thanks Ed! Our speaker, Kelly L. Swann is a cartoonist and long-time friend of President, Kelly Ricker. Kelly Swann’s presentation included stories of her grandparents who inspired her interest in history. She loves to share history through her cartoons and as you will see in the link below, she is quite talented at it. One of the many highlights she shared with us was a project that joined veterans with cartoonists to share their stories. What an honor to our veterans and you can see it for yourself right here: Kelly was interesting and most passionate about what she does. And, I would say, she does it so very good. Thank you, Kelly, for joining our meeting and sharing with us! |
Our Virtual Meeting 4-22-2020 | Walter J Con | 2020-04-23 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Wade Nomura, PDG, Visits Our ClubPresident Kelly Ricker opened our virtual rotary meeting this Wednesday with many members attending. This virtual stuff is gaining popularity! I saw many smiling Rotarians and Jim Ramaker’s breakfast looked yummy! Ed Harris reviewed an article from the Rotarian Magazine centered around diversity, equity and inclusion and how these three concepts are inter-related. Thanks Ed. Following Ed was Roger Ridley with his Moment in History. Unfortunately, many tragedies occurred on this day (April 15th): 1865: Abe Lincoln was assassinated 1912: The Titanic sank 2013: Boston Marathon bombing 2019: Fired destroyed much of the famous Notre Dame Cathedral But Roger always leaves us on a positive note: 1452: Leonardo Da Vinci was born 1765: First English language dictionary 1892: GE Corporation was formed 1923: Insulin was invented to help those with diabetes 1947: Jackie Robinson makes his major league debut with the Dodgers Thank you, Roger! Our speaker today was Mr. Wade Nomura, Past District Governor, member of the Rotary Club of Carpinteria Morning and a friend to our club. One of his many accomplishments is he is the current Mayor of Carpinteria. His topic was the Coronavirus Epidemic and although on the surface, seemingly a common topic today, his presentation was unique. His approach was from the perspective of a Rotarian, local business owner and political leader. He dove into many useful details and the highlights encompassed questions in four major areas: 1) Member engagement – how can we keep members engaged during this time? 2) Community impact – how can rotary clubs reach out and help our communities and local businesses? 3) Post isolation – what will rotary clubs do, how can we restructure and how do we inform the community we’re back? 4) Future strategy – what’s changed and what will rotary clubs do in the future? Very thoughtful and thought-provoking presentation that will help our club navigate through this difficult time and come out on the other side stronger. Thank you Wade! |
Wade Nomura, PDG, Visits Our Club | Walter J Con | 2020-04-16 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Second Virtual MeetingToday marks our second virtual meeting led by President Kelly Ricker with 30 members in attendance. Kelly is most adept at technology and thus, effectively smooths out many of the technical challenges associated with virtual meetings. In spite of these challenges, and I believe most will agree, virtual meetings are better than no meetings at all. We still get the opportunity to socialize somewhat, stay connected and, we still carry out the business part of Rotary. Thank you Kelly. Ed Harris, president elect, shared a Rotary Moment with us that included a perfect example of what Rotary is all about. Our Nipomo Rotary Club is part of District 5240 that is comprised of 72 clubs throughout Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Kern counties. Our district is led by Governor Savi Bhim. Through her leadership of her district team, District 5240 donated $9,000 to a foodbank in each of the counties mentioned above for a total donation of $36,000. This comes at a time when there is greater need than ever. THIS IS WHAT ROTARY IS ALL ABOUT! I’m humbled to be a small part it. Roger Ridley presented our Moment in History where he described several events that have taken place on this day. Here is a sample of events he shared with us: a) in 1789 the US Representatives held their first meeting, b) in 1864 the 13th amendment to the constitution that outlawed slavery was adopted ,c) in 1974 Hank Aaron hit is 715th homerun surpassing Babe Ruth’s record of 714 and, d) in 1986 Clint Eastwood was elected as mayor of Carmel, Ca. Our speaker today was Dr. Wen Chen. Dr. Chen is Wen was born in China at the end of the Great Cultural Revolution and she personally experienced the brainwashing that is prevalent in China. In 1994, Wen came to the U.S. for graduate school and received a doctorate in Biology at the California Institute of Technology. Because of her personal experience of being brainwashed in China, she decided to be a voice for the voiceless. Since 2012, she has given over 200 presentations to community organizations about Chinese culture, history, and human rights. Dr. Chen has been working as a scientific staff member for Caltech since 2000. She is an active member of the Amnesty International Chapter at Pasadena and a board member for Caltech Women in Biology and Bioengineer. She lives in Pasadena with her husband and two teenage daughters. Her topic today was Coronavirus & China’s Censorship and was both pertinent and enlightening. Thank you Dr. Chen for joining us today. |
Our Second Virtual Meeting | Walter J Con | 2020-04-09 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our First Virtual MeetingPresident, Kelly Ricker, called our first virtual meeting to order this Wednesday. Twenty-four members participated with 1 guest, Sandy Brantingham (John Brantingham’s wife), in attendance. See attached pictures from my iPad with some of our membership. Kelly was quite presidential as she led us through a very different, productive and fun meeting. She opened with a heart-felt invocation that was pertinent to our world today, as well as inspirational. This was followed by a moment of silence in honor of Rotarian brother, Al Dario, who recently passed away. Al, you are missed! Rotarian, Roger Ridley, presented his weekly “Day in History”; citing many interesting events that have occurred in our world dating back as far as 1621. By coincidence to our virtual meeting today, Apple Computer began its operations on this day in 1978. Rotarian and President-elect, Ed Harris, presented “A Rotary Moment” with a most appropriate topic titled, Rotary Virtual Meeting Basics. He provided some very thoughtful tips for future meetings. Here are a few examples: a) join early to make sure you’re device or computer properly set up, b) be aware of what’s in view from your camera to others – George Dubois’ office displayed many artifacts illustrating his intellect, c) make sure a light is on your face and not behind you – Harry Walls looked like he was donning a halo in his silhouette, d) wear your rotary pin, and last, but not least, e) if you must excuse yourself to use the restroom, make sure you turn off both the audio and video! We thank you in advance. President Kelly then facilitated a very good discussion on how our club can help others during this challenging time. Some very good ideas were presented that will be followed up on. There are certainly benefits to a virtual meeting during this time of required social distancing. At the same time there are drawbacks too. One major drawback that several of our members experienced was Jim Ramaker not refilling our coffee mugs. We missed that and you owe us Jim! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() President Kelly closed our first successful virtual meeting, but not before Cees Dobbe gave us some very, very, very important information………………………Bev mo delivers! |
Our First Virtual Meeting | Walter J. Con | 2020-04-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Club of Nipomo Meeting UpdateDear Friends, In support of our community, and consistent with the CDC's (Center for Disease Control) recommendations and other local agencies, Rotary Club of Nipomo will not hold our weekly meetings for at least the next two weeks. Please check back for updates and stay healthy!
Rotary Club of Nipomo Meeting Update | Walter Con | 2020-03-17 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Test StoryOur speaker today was Harry Walls, our club’s Director of International Service. One of the projects that Harry spearheaded on behalf of our club was Operation Footprint. Our club donated $2,000 to this worthy cause. This is a project that has a direct positive impact on the quality of life for children throughout the world. In January, Harry visited Honduras with 4 other Rotarians from other clubs, experienced this process first hand and shared with us today what he observed. Operation Footprint, provides medical professionals, training to local medical professionals, medical equipment, and supplies needed to diagnose and treat children who were born with a clubfoot deformity. A clubfoot prevents children from participating in educational, family and normal childhood activities. Most often these children are made fun of or shunned by others in their community. Harry shared what he observed during his visit, including an actual surgery. He said, “the surgeries were spectacular to witness and our money was well spent.” Sixteen surgeries were preformed on this trip although, the need is far greater. Most of the surgeries were performed on young children from 1 – 3 years old with one patient being 18 years old. Pause for a moment and imagine how this could change a life…………………… Thank you, Harry, for your passion and time in leading our club to this impactful program. Makes me proud to be a Rotarian! |
Test Story | 2020-03-14 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Operation Footprint - What a Great Cause!Our speaker today was Harry Walls, our club’s Director of International Service. One of the projects that Harry spearheaded on behalf of our club was Operation Footprint. Our club donated $2,000 to this worthy cause. This is a project that has a direct positive impact on the quality of life for children throughout the world. In January, Harry visited Honduras with 4 other Rotarians from other clubs, experienced this process first hand and shared with us today what he observed. Operation Footprint, provides medical professionals, training to local medical professionals, medical equipment, and supplies needed to diagnose and treat children who were born with a clubfoot deformity. A clubfoot prevents children from participating in educational, family and normal childhood activities. Most often these children are made fun of or shunned by others in their community. Harry shared what he observed during his visit, including an actual surgery. He said, “the surgeries were spectacular to witness and our money was well spent.” Sixteen surgeries were preformed on this trip although, the need is far greater. Most of the surgeries were performed on young children from 1 – 3 years old with one patient being 18 years old. Pause for a moment and imagine how this could change a life…………………… ![]() ![]() |
Operation Footprint - What a Great Cause! | Walter Con | 2020-03-12 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Rotarian Gary Stone - ThespianWe had a wonderful treat today as Cathy Cachu, our Program Chair, introduced Nipomo Rotarian, Gary Stone. Gary’s theme for his presentation pertained to one never knows, while in the course of our normal day, where life may take us. As a seasoned independent insurance agent for Mackey and Makey, he was calling on one of his clients. That client, a church, was in the midst of producing the well-known play, The Music Man. At the last minute they were short an actor, and with that, Gary stepped into the role. In his first role, he was bit by the thespian bug and appeared in numerous other plays thereafter. Including, playing the role of the cowardly lion. Which I can easily see him doing. “Put em up, put em up! I’ll fight ya with one hand behind my back!” ![]() ![]() ![]() Gary’s highlight was landing a role in the movie, We Were Soldiers. He met and briefly worked with well know actors, Mel Gibson and Sam Elliot. Gary tells the story in a very funny and colorful manner and I can’t do it justice in print. Those of you who were not able to attend our meeting, I encourage you to ask him about it and hear it directly from him. Gary, thanks for a very entertaining and lively presentation and the reminder that we never know where life may take us………………… |
Nipomo Rotarian Gary Stone - Thespian | Walter Con | 2020-02-27 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Save the Date![]() |
Save the Date | 2020-02-26 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Barbara Luis - New MemberAt our meeting today we enjoyed an acknowledgement of our new member, Barbara Luis, branch manager at the Mechanics Bank branch in Nipomo. See picture below with Barbara, President Kelly Ricker and Kat Stowell, Membership Director. Welcome Barbara! ![]() |
Barbara Luis - New Member | 2020-02-05 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
San Luis Obispo County Planning & BuildingWe were fortunate today to have as our speaker, Mr. Arlin Singewald, Division Manager of the County of San Luis Obispo Planning & Building Department. He presented information in the areas of land use planning, affordable housing, agriculture worker housing and cannabis ordinance updates. He explained the seven elements of a General Plan and provided insight on Accessory Dwelling Units or Secondary Housing. We greatly appreciated his time and his presentation. Thank you Arlin! ![]() |
San Luis Obispo County Planning & Building | 2020-02-05 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Honor FlightOur speaker at our January 22nd meeting ![]() |
Honor Flight | Walter Con | 2020-01-23 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Kids' Christmas PartyOur meeting today was our Kids' Christmas Party. It was heartwarming and perfect for the season. Check out these pictures with our very own Santa (rotarian Sean Schuur)!
Our Kids' Christmas Party | 2019-12-18 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
New Member Spotlight
Posted by Walter J Con on Dec 11, 2019
Recently we had two member spotlights where we learned a bit more about our new members. Al Casey had a long and successful career in banking. He shared some interesting stories from the old days when he was in branch management. Bob Spelman experienced a long career in corporate credit collections, including a stint at a startup company named, Atari. He and his wife moved here from the bay area and the just are loving life here.
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New Member Spotlight | Walter J Con | 2019-12-11 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
District Governor Savi Bhim visits Rotary Club of Nipomo
Posted by Walter Con on Dec 05, 2019
At our meeting yesterday, we had the honor and pleasure of a visit from our District Governor, Savi Bhrim. She gave a very fascinating talk on some of the early history of Rotary. For example, did you know this? During and after World War II, Rotarians became increasingly involved in promoting international understanding. In 1945, 49 Rotary members served in 29 delegations to the United Nations Charter Conference. Rotary still actively participates in UN conferences by sending observers to major meetings and promoting the United Nations in Rotary publications. Governor Bhim acknowledged many of the accomplishments of our club. She appreciates the fact that we partner with students from the Nipomo High School Drama Club. Specifically, our recent fundraiser, Winner Winner Tri-tip Dinner, wherein we jointly raised about $25,000 that we split with the Drama Club. When watching and listening to Governor Bhim speak, her passion for Rotary is just so very obvious. Especially when she speaks about the 4-way test. Her perspective is that the 4-way test should be "self-reflective" questions we always ask ourselves before speaking and acting. It can be a very powerful tool for self correcting. ( ![]() ![]() Thank you Governor Bhim for visiting our club. You are always welcome at the Rotary Club of Nipomo! See pictures below of Governor Bhim and our president, Kelly Ricker. |
District Governor Savi Bhim visits Rotary Club of Nipomo | Walter Con | 2019-12-05 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo High School Pancake Breakfast
Posted on Nov 19, 2019
Several of our members participated yesterday in making pancakes for Nipomo High School students. My favorite thing was the "thank you" sign the students made for our club.
Nipomo High School Pancake Breakfast | 2019-11-19 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Nick Nickelson
Posted on Nov 15, 2019
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Nick Nickelson | 2019-11-15 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
In Honor of Van DunahooIn Honor of Barry Dunahoo's father, Van Dunahoo, The Rotary Club of Nipomo is sponsoring an End Polio event. Please click on the link to donate now in Van Dunahoo's name.
In Honor of Van Dunahoo | Kat Stowell | 2019-10-16 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
5cities homeless coalitionPeggy Coon, board member and Janna Nichols, Executive Director of 5cities homeless coalition (5CHC); delivered a very informative presentation today of the great work this organization performs in our community. Homelessness is something that impacts our entire community, not just the individual(s) that are homeless. It drains County resources, as well as the emotions of those directly impacted. 5CHC assists those in need to not only find them housing, but stabilize their lives. Eighty percent of their clientele are from the 5 cities area and are single parents, youths (17-25 years of age), the elderly and veterans. Through the vetting process and through the efforts of this fine organization, they have a 90% success rate in household placements and eviction prevention assistance. They also offer the only cold weather shelter in South County and average 25 people per night during the inclimate evenings in November through March. For more information see: ![]() ![]() |
5cities homeless coalition | Walter J Con | 2019-08-28 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
2019 Scholarship StudentsCongratulations to our Nipomo High students: Madrid Holland, Claire Gretlein, Leah Smith, Berenice Vences, Grace Padden, Devin Diaz, and our Lopez High student: Jhoana Salguero. Also Congratulations to Kayden Sanders for Winning 2nd Place in District 5240 4 Way Test Contest. We had the honor of having our District Governor, Sandi Schwartz to give Kayden her award but Sandi was also here to take our Best Small Club Award back with her for her step down. We hope that Barry will be bringing it back. |
2019 Scholarship Students | Kat Stowell | 2019-05-22 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
RELA 2019Our young youth at this years RELA 2019
RELA 2019 | 2019-04-25 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Wine WagonOur Tournament is one month away. Our Wine and Beer Wagon is looking pretty darn good. Tickets are for Sale $10 or 3 for $25. Winner does not need to be present! ![]() |
Wine Wagon | 2019-04-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Beach Clean up with Nipomo Interact ClubThank you to all that joined in making this Beach cleanup a fun day. Thank you, Sean, for opening up your patio and cooking burgers for these hungry crew. Members who joined in the fun are Jim, Bill and his wife Chris, Judy, Cathy, and her husband Jose, Kelly our incoming president and myself. |
Beach Clean up with Nipomo Interact Club | Kat Stowell | 2019-03-23 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Pancake Breakfast NHS 3/18/19Our Club having fun preparing pancakes for 500 Nipomo High School students who have excelled in their grades. |
Pancake Breakfast NHS 3/18/19 | Kat Stowell | 2019-03-18 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
3/13/19 Evening meeting at Klondike's PizzaEvening meeting at Klondike's Pizza. Inducting our newest member Ken White and celebrating Cees's Birthday.
3/13/19 Evening meeting at Klondike's Pizza | Kat Stowell | 2019-03-13 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Welcome our New MembersOur newest members Lee Baggett and Amelia Gonzales-Paz
Welcome our New Members | 2019-02-06 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary at workOne of the many things our Rotary Club is known for is cleaning up the medians in front of Vons and CVS.
Rotary at work | 2019-01-20 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
December 19th meeting at Black Lake
Posted on Dec 17, 2018
Reminder, that December 19th meeting is our kids Christmas Party held at Blake Lake Golf /course at 7 am
December 19th meeting at Black Lake | 2018-12-17 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Nov 7 Meeting![]() We had the honor to sing our Past President, Richard Dale, Happy Birthday. We also had the pleasure of learning about the Morro Bay Maritime Museum from Larry Newland. Sounds like this would be a great day trip and learn some history and see how it connects to the Dana Adobe. I'm sure there is a connection somewhere.
Nov 7 Meeting | 2018-11-08 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
WWTTD10/28/18 We had an amazing event this year and thank all of our members, Boy Scout Troop 450 and the amazing Drama Department at Nipomo High School.
WWTTD | 2018-11-08 08:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
October 17Today's guest speaker was Dr. Wen Chen. Wen was born in China during the Great Cultural Revolution. Being victims of the horrific atrocity that killed two million intellectuals and destroyed traditional Chinese culture, Wen's parents had mixed feelings about her education. Despite their discouragement, Wen eventually won a national prize at a science competition when she was 16. Hence, she was accepted into a top university for undergraduate study. In 1994, Wen came to the U.S. for graduate school and received a doctorate degree in Biology at California Institute of Technology in 2000. Dr. Chen currently works as a staff scientist for the institute. Because of her personal experience of being brainwashed in China, she decided to be a voice for the voiceless. Since 2012, she has given over 200 presentations to community organizations about Chinese culture, history, and human rights.
October 17 | 2018-10-17 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
October 10, 2018At today's meeting, we were honored to have Cees back from his month travels to Spain and Holland. He returned with a banner from the Rotary Club of Tarragona and a very long story. We also had a very exciting talented group of young students from Nipomo High School Drama Department that put on an amazing performance for us.
October 10, 2018 | 2018-10-10 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
District Governor Taek II NamOn October 3, after our regular meeting, our District Governor, Sandy Schwartz, brought District Governor, Taek I1 Nam, from District 3721, Rotary Club of Yangsan, to Nipomo High School to see their Robotics Department. Nipomo High School Robotics students have competed nationally and internationally and have won many awards. The reason they are interested in the success of this program is they want to bring this program into a school in South Korea.
District Governor Taek II Nam | 2018-10-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
October 3, 2018![]() Today we had the pleasure of having as our guest speaker, Susan Houghton, Executive Director of Allan Hancock College Advancement. Rotary Club of Nipomo Foundation presented her with a $1200 check for their Promise Program. |
October 3, 2018 | Kat Stowell | 2018-10-03 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Member Speaker
Posted on Aug 22, 2018
![]() Mary Mylan alongside her husband rode their bicycles across the Netherlands this past May. Mary shared a few of the photos of her amazing journey and telling us how bicycling and camping is so much a part of the Dutch life.
Member Speaker | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-08-22 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
August 8th Meeting
Posted by Kathleen Stowell
At today's meeting, we had the pleasure to give $1000 from our Rotary Foundation for the Alzheimer's Association in Santa Maria. Don Bock is a Volunteer and does several presentations for the Alzheimers Association and Witney McMullen who manages the fundraising for Santa Barbara County were our speakers as well. We also had the pleasure of hearing Ken Shadle for our Member Spotlight.
August 8th Meeting | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-08-08 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
District Governor Sandi SchwartzToday we were Honored to have our District Governor Sandi Schwartz. Sandi awarded Cees Dobbe the People in Action Certificate for his work on our Golf Tournament Fundraiser and Al Daurio for his work on the third grade book program. Al has done this for many years now and is passing the baton over to Kelly Ricker. Lynn Compton, member but most of all our 4th Districts Supervisor, got all of us caught up on what's happening here in our little piece of Heaven
District Governor Sandi Schwartz | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-07-25 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
We will be DARK on the 4th![]() This is a reminder that there is no meeting on the 4th of July. Have a safe Holiday
We will be DARK on the 4th | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-06-27 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Best Small Club
Posted by Kathleen Stowell
June 16th was District 5240 Step down and Awards and to my surprise our club won "Best Small Club 2017/2018" What an amazing feeling! Thank you Rotary Club of Nipomo. I am so proud to be a member and call all of you friend. Thank you Judy for all the support you have given me throughout this year.
Best Small Club | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-06-19 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
My year comes to an end
Posted by Kathleen Stowell on Jun 06, 2018
My year comes to an end | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-06-06 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Harris Foundation/AwardsPlease note that next week on May 31st at 5:30 we will have our Paul Harris and Award night. We will not have a morning meeting on Wednesday May 30.
Paul Harris Foundation/Awards | 2018-05-31 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Service AwardsOn April 18 we will be having our Service Awards at Black Lake Golf Course. Cocktails at 5:30 and dinner at 6:15. We will be dark in the morning. See you all then!
Service Awards | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-04-17 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Off Site meeting 4/11/18We are having an off-site meeting this coming Wednesday 4/11/18 at 3 pm at Doc Burnstein's in Grover Beach. There is NO morning meeting
Off Site meeting 4/11/18 | 2018-04-07 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Posted by Kathleen Stowell
![]() Happy February!! Sorry I didn't post anything last month. Most of you know that my husband and I are in the middle of construction on building our new business. Our target opening day is set for March 3rd. Please keep your fingers crossed. As my time as being your President is getting shorter I wanted to Thank all of you for your support. Our next big fundraiser is coming up on May 11 and I'm so happy that Cees has taken this roll on and is truly making sure we have all the tools to make this tournament one to remember. Cees is making sure that all documents and emails are secured in Rotary's Google Drive. Access to these files are a fingertip away. Being organized is key on being successful. This is a club effort though, so please help where needed. Bring in Tee sponsors and wine or craft beer for the giveaway. If everyone does their part, this may be the biggest tournament in past years. Thank all of you who have come up to me to tell me that I'm doing a good job. It means the most to me to hear it from you. I know I have made a few mistakes but no one is perfect. If you feel I need some improvement, I would love to hear that too. Our next meeting will be a fun one with our "Not so Compatible Game". Yes it's usually the "Not so New Newlywed Game" but next week it has more of a twist. Let's see how well our members know each other. In closing, I understand that some of you have not enjoyed the meals a Black Lake. This last evening meeting the food was delicious. They have hired a new chief and is willing to take suggestions and so I'm hoping that you will try and make our next evening meeting. Your Pres, Kat |
February | Kathleen Stowell | 2018-02-07 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
December Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
Posted by Kat Stowell on Dec 02, 2017
I can't believe the Holidays are here. A time to reflect and give Thanks. It's also Rotary's Disease Prevention and Treatment month. Most of you have met my daughter. She was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 8 months old. Seizures have been a part of our lives now for over 33 years. My daughter has seizures everyday and is on several medications plus has a VNS planted in her chest. When I go up north or down south you hear information on seizure disorders but not here on the Central Coast and I'm not sure why that is. One in 26 people will have a seizure at some point in their lives. We should be talking about it. People need to be aware of the facts about seizures and the myths. Do you know what to do if someone has a seizure right in front of you? I want to start up that conversation here on the Central Coast. Some things to remember; Barry is collecting coats, jacket, sweaters and sweatshirts. Please make sure they are in good condition. We also have our kids Christmas party happening at Black Lake golf Course on the 20th and our Adult party is on the 17th. We will not be having an evening meeting this month. We will be dark that week but will resume our evening meetings in January. This last meeting was great. I love that members are bringing their spouses. It's a great opportunity for our family members to experience Rotary. I did take a vote on keeping the evening meeting or scraping it and the vote went to keeping it. I'm hoping that the few who do not attend will make an exception in the future. This has been a very busy past few month with our club and I want to Thank all of you for helping in each event. This club is an amazing group of people. Kat
December Disease Prevention and Treatment Month | Kat Stowell | 2017-12-02 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
We Rock!
Posted by Kat Stowell
What a month. We finished our Little Free Library, we planted trees in the park for every member and was joined by our District Governor John Weiss, we had beach clean up with Interact from Nipomo High and Righetti High and we had an amazing event with Mesa Middle School Drama Dept, Boys and Cub Scout troop 405 & 450 along with the Best Rotary Club on the Central Coast. I want to Thank all of you who participated in any and all of these events. This month looks like we are going to be just as busy. Starting this Sunday BBQing for the 4H club at St Joseph's Church, Community Thanksgiving Fests on November 12th also at the Church, Nipomo High School Pancake breakfast and Turkey pull at the Pismo Veterans Hall. We will also be having another evening meeting at Black Lake on the 29th. See you there! .
![]() ![]() |
We Rock! | Kat Stowell | 2017-11-02 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
October and WWPPDFall has arrived. One of our biggest Fundraisers is on October 29th "Winner Winner Pulled Pork Dinner" The money that comes from this event goes to supporting our club along with the our partners for this event, Mesa Middle School Drama Dept and Boy & Cub Scouts here in Nipomo. I'm asking that all our members please do your part and sell your tickets. October 7 & 8 is OctoberFest at Nipomo Regional Park. We will be providing BBQ sandwiches on the 7th. Please come out and support your club. The money raised at this event will go towards that amazing BBQ and Smoker we are having built . Update on out Little Free Library. It is near completion. Al is collecting books for all ages. October 14th is the day we will be planting a tree for every member. I am really excited about doing this project. Not only did our RI President, Ian Riseley, ask all club members to plant a tree this year but locally our park has lost a lot of trees due to end of growth, insects and drault. October is the month for Economic and Community Development so all of this ties together. On Sept 27 was our first evening meeting. A few of you had voiced that we are a breakfast club and do not like the change. I understand what you are saying. Rotary International is asking us to change to build Rotary back up and if we can build a club that will appeal to a younger audience one day a month, I feel it's worth trying. Change is good and I feel that most of you will agree, it was fun. Some us even brought our spouses. I'm looking forward to this months evening meeting on October 25th at Black Lake Golf Course. I would like to remind you to please answer the survey sent monthly. Only 10% of our club is. The information is sent to me anonymously but the remarks are very valuable to the club so we/I may improve. I want to tell of you how much this club/you mean to me. These past few years have been very tough for my husband and I and without the friendships and the support from all of you, it would have been much harder. We all go through stuff in our lives, but without the support of family and friends it would be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We see that light and it's getting brighter. Sometimes it dims a little but it's picking up the energy we need to get through this. Thank you all, Your President
October and WWPPD | 2017-10-04 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
September Basic Education and Literacy Month
Posted by Kat Stowell on Sep 01, 2017
![]() This month I am proposing that our club builds a Little Free Library and place it in front of the Chamber of Commerce. I have met with a few of our members and I have started looking for used materials that we can build with. Habitat for Humanity has some amazing things that with a little imagination we can transform into our Little Library. Once our project is finished we will be asking each of our members to bring a book to put into the Library. Another project we will be doing is planting a tree for every member. The date for this project is October 14 at the Nipomo Regional park. One of the Girl Scout Troops here in Nipomo will be helping us in this project. If you feel that you are not able to help plant your tree, I am asking that you find a family member to possibly plant yours. These trees will be coastal live oaks most likely one gallon in size so small enough to plant ourselves. We will need to put screening around the roots to protect them. Cages and large post to protect them above ground. So please mark your calendars for October 14 starting around 9:00am. A project that really needs to be finished is the bricks in front of the Rotary Bandstand. I have about 6 more bricks that need to be printed and placed in the ground. This may end up being a rather large project from the looks of it. I was there the other day and noticed the sand that was holding the bricks in place has mostly blown away and some bricks have been lifted up. There are weeds that need to be cleaned out as well. We will need to cover the printed bricks with tape so it is easier to mortar the bricks in. If at all possible, maybe some of us can be working on the Bandstand while some of us are planting. Just a thought. It is a lot to do but it needs to get finished. I have to say that this is the part of Rotary I enjoy the most and understand it may not be yours. All I ask is that you help out in some way. Thank you all for being the Best Club on the Central Coast!! Reminder that this month we will start having our once a month evening meeting at Black Lake. Meeting will be on September 27th at 6:00pm to 7:30pm. |
September Basic Education and Literacy Month | Kat Stowell | 2017-09-01 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
August 2017Over the past six weeks I have felt that this position might be too hard for me. I'm not like my husband to make people laugh but today I believe we have turned that corner by bringing the wheel back. For the first time in a long time there was lots of laughter and that made me feel really good. I have taken the suggestions of others and appreciate you helping me find what works. This month we are celebrating 3 Birthdays, Kelly, Al and Ed's. Many wishes to you all. Congrats to Santa Maria Rotaract for being Chartered and Thank you for attending our meeting. It was a pleasure having you. This Sunday the 13th we are having a family picnic at Cees and Ilona's home and I would like to say Thank you in advance for being our host. I love all of us getting together outside of our meetings and volunteer work and just socializing. Another outing is on Friday down in Solvang at the PCPA to see Newbies. I know we will all have a great time. Congratulations to Mario and Bruce for receiving their blue badges. Mario stated he was a little slow on getting his but very thorough. That's what we like about you Mario! Enjoy the photos for this month so far and check back to catch the rest later. Kat
August 2017 | Kat Stowell | 2017-08-09 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
July 2017July 2017 This month we started off volunteering for the 1st annual Jim Tefft Memorial 4th of July Parade. Thank you to all that volunteered that day. It was an amazing event. July 5th was my first meeting. What I'm hoping from showing you all on how to use the Club Runner website and app is that it is a great club tool. One place to put our photos, stories and events and now Blogs where you can make a comment and reply to others. I'm still learning this feature but hope to master it soon. Club Runner is changing and is really becoming that Social Media tool for Rotarians. On July 12th our speaker was Sam Cotton from Single Action Shooting Society. Amazing videos on how fast they shoot and how many shots are done in "seconds". July 18 our guest speaker will be Debbie Wilson with The Oaks at Nipomo, a Senior & Memory care home and on July 26, our guest speaker will be Frank Ortiz. Upcoming Socials for August - If you haven't signed up and would like to attend August 11th is Newsy at the Solvang PCPA Theater. Please see Judy or Cathy for sign up. August 13 will be our Family Picnic at Cees Dobbe house. A sign up sheet will be going around. Please bring a dish! Yours truly, Kat |
July 2017 | Kat Stowell | 2017-07-18 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
2017/2018A word from Kat Stowell - June 26, 2017 I would like all of us to reflect on this past Rotary year and Thank Jeremy for his time and guidance as President of this amazing club. I look forward to taking on the task as President for the upcoming year 2017/2018 and know that as a club we will have Fun! One of the projects as a club we will be doing is planting a tree for every member. This request has come from our new Rotary International President Ian Riseley. I love this challenge because so many trees have died in our park and we as a club have another opportunity to make a difference in our community. Cees Dobbe is taking charge of the Golf Tournament and is already planning his first meeting right after our Winner Winner Pulled Pork Dinner Fundraiser. Yes, you read that correctly. I believe in changing things up and making things easier. We are doing Pulled Pork for our October Fundraiser. Richard Dale is in charge of our BBQ team and is looking to having our BBQ trailer fitted with cabinets and sink and also have a custom BBQ built for our club. One of my favorite things to do with the club is BBQing. There's nothing like having and sharing a great meal with others.
This years International's theme is "Rotary Making a Difference" and our District theme is "Celebrating Rotary" Our club theme is "Cats having Fun" With a name like mine did you think it would be something different? I hope I can be that PURRRRfect Leader and I know I can because of all of you. I want to Thank you in advance for your input and guidance for my year. Kat |
2017/2018 | Kat Stowell | 2017-06-26 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
2017 Scholarship & 4 Way Test Winners
Posted on May 31, 2017
2017 Scholarship & 4 Way Test Winners | 2017-05-31 07:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
March 22,2017 Meeting Summary & Upcoming Calendar
Posted by Jeremy Moreno on Mar 27, 2017
Ladies and Gents!! Did anyone else feel like last week flew by!?
Mar 29 OFFSITE meeting at Nipomo High School- Nu!!!! - Robotics Program Apr 1 District Assembly- Oxnard Apr 5 20th Anniversary Dinner Event- Blacklake GC Clubhouse (No meeting in the Morning!!) Apr 8 Kids Day in the Park- Cooking for the kids Apr 15 Beach Cleanup Apr 18 Board Meeting Apr 19 Service Member Awards Night (No meeting in the Morning!!) May 12 Annual Golf Tournament!!!! Our biggest fundraiser of the year!! May 24 Paul Harris Awards Banquet Dinner June 23 Year End Step Down Party
Congrats to the Rotary Club of Nipomo, champions of bowling!!! I hope everyone has a great week!!! SERVICE ABOVE SELF!!!! Sincerely, Jeremy Moreno, AAI Vice President, Risk Advisor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
March 22,2017 Meeting Summary & Upcoming Calendar | Jeremy Moreno | 2017-03-27 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
February 22, 2017 Meeting Summary
Posted by Jeremy Moreno on Feb 22, 2017
Good afternoon Ladies and Gents!!
What a great meeting yesterday!! Who else is ready to drive around the intoxicated kids of Cal Poly?!!!
Feb 23 1-6 pm Blood Drive in Miners' parking lot
Feb 25 Thompson Road Cleanup-8am. Also, our President-Elect's birthday!!!
Feb 27 First Golf Tournament Planning Meeting (Cees’ house)
Mar 1 Social Outing to Burton House (No meeting in the Morning!!)
Mar 5 7:00 - 8:30am Tefft street weeding
Mar 13 5:30-Sun Comes Up. Cees’ Birthday party. Penthouse, Dolphin Bay.
Mar 24 5:30-8:30 Bowling with Interact
Mar 29 Offsite meeting at Nipomo High School- Robotics Program
Apr 1 District Assembly- Oxnard
Apr 5 20th Anniversary Dinner Event (No meeting in the Morning!!)
Apr 15 Beach Cleanup
Apr 19 Service Member Awards Night (No meeting in the Morning!!)
May 12 Annual Golf Tournament!!!! Our biggest fundraiser of the year!!
May 24 Paul Harris Awards Banquet Dinner
June 23 Year End Step Down Party
I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Jeremy Moreno, AAI
Vice President, Risk Advisor
February 22, 2017 Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2017-02-22 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
February 8, 2017 Meeting Summary
Posted by Jeremy Moreno on Feb 08, 2017
Good afternoon Ladies and Gents!!
What an awesome speaker this morning!! To think of the powerful network we have at the Rotary Club of Nipomo!!!
Feb 9 5:30-7:30pm Chamber of Commerce mixer (C of C)
Feb 11 7:00-11 am Kiwanis? pancake breakfast (Oceano train station)
Feb 14 5:30-7:00 pm Board Meeting
Feb 16 5:30 -8:00 PCPA show at Alan Hancock for Dana Adobe
Feb 17 11 -2:00 pm Coast Hills BBQ in Von's parking lot
Feb 21 5:30-7pm Board Meeting (Nipomo Chamber Office)
Feb 23 1-6 pm Blood Drive in Miners' parking lot
Feb 25 all day President-Elect's birthday
Feb 26 7:00 - 8:30am Tefft street weeding
Mar 1 5:30 - 8:00pm Burton House Grill meeting (DARK THE MORNING OF)
Mar 13 5:30-Sun Comes Up. Cees’ Birthday party. Penthouse, Dolphin Bay.
Mar 24 5:30-8:30 Bowling with Interact
I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Jeremy Moreno, AAI
Vice President, Risk Advisor
February 8, 2017 Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2017-02-08 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
January 4, 2017 Meeting Summary
Posted by Jeremy Moreno on Jan 04, 2017
Good morning Ladies and Gents!!
Wow!!! What a great meeting this morning!! To think of all of the great ideas we came up with this morning, as we try to reach with our power as the Rotary Club of Nipomo!!!
Have a great week!!!
Jeremy Moreno, AAI
Vice President, Risk Advisor
January 4, 2017 Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2017-01-04 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
December 14, 2016 Meeting Summary
Posted by Jeremy Moreno on Dec 14, 2016
Good day Ladies and Gents,
I hope everyone had a great meeting this morning!! Here are the Great experiences from the meeting:
***One suggestion! Please allow for our featured members and guest speakers to have the floor in speaking without interruption. This is their time to shine and share with us their life story. I whole heartedly believe it is a privilege to hear everyone’s story!
Next week, make sure you have RSVP’d, because Santa is coming in on his sleigh for all of the young relatives of our Rotarians!!
Have a Holly Jolly Week!!!!!
Jeremy Moreno, AAI
Vice President, Risk Advisor
December 14, 2016 Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2016-12-14 08:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
August 10, 2016 - Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2016-08-10 07:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
August 3, 2016 - Meeting Summary | Jeremy Moreno | 2016-08-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President Jeremy Moreno First Meeting | Jeremy Moreno | 2016-07-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
New Meeting Place - Butterfly Grill, Monarch Dunes Golf Course | Kat Stowell | 2015-08-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
July 15 Meeting at Butterfly Grill @ Monarch Golf Course | Kat Stowell | 2015-07-10 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary District Award Luncheon | James O. Anderson | 2015-06-27 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President Step Down | James O. Anderson | 2015-06-15 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Updates | James O. Anderson | 2015-06-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Yesterday's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-05-28 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Harris Fellowship Dinner
Posted by James O. Anderson on May 13, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a wonderful time Wednesday evening with members, friends and guests attending our Annual Paul Harris Fellowship Dinner. Congratulations to all of the new Paul Harris Fellows, and thanks to the repeat Paul Harris Fellows for their continued support of the Rotary International Foundation. Thanks to Colette, our Foundation Chair for maintaining the accuracy and record keeping integrity of our Paul Harris Fellowship program, and of our Foundation giving.
Secretary George DuBois presented the perfect attendance awards. Congratulations to all of the awardees for your dedication to consistent meeting and event attendance. Thanks to George for maintaining perfect records for the perfect attendance awards.
It was a great time. Remember, we are dark next Wednesday morning. The Annual Public Service Awards Dinner is next Wednesday evening. If you haven’t yet signed up, please let Judy know if you plan to attend.
Board meeting is Monday evening, May 18 at 5:30 at Socorro’s barn.
Thanks for being a wonderful club.
James O. Anderson
Paul Harris Fellowship Dinner | James O. Anderson | 2015-05-14 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Past Wednesday's Meeting
Posted by James O. Anderson on May 07, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Last Wednesday, we had a very interesting presentation by Emma Schoppe, the County’s Energy Program Associate. The topic was empower Central Coast. This is a program coordinated by the County to help residents upgrade their single-family homes to be more energy efficient. They provide information about certified contractors, utility rebates, and even financing through Coast Hills Federal Credit Union. (Cathy has already been appropriately fined.)
In other news,
Thanks again for all your service!
James O. Anderson
Past Wednesday's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-05-08 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Yesterday's Meeting
Posted by James O. Anderson on Apr 29, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a great meeting yesterday. Charlotte Alexander, the new Executive Director of the Santa Maria Valley Humane Society talked about animal rescue, the importance of spay and neuter, as well as other services the facility provides.
In other news:
James O. Anderson
Yesterday's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-04-30 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Today's Meeting
Posted by James O. Anderson on Apr 21, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Today, we had very interesting speaker, Sandra Duerr, Editor of the San Luis Obispo Tribune. The members sitting with her for breakfast discovered that four out of five of us were paper boys in our youth. Don’t see many of them anymore.
It was a joyous meeting because we did one of the most important things a Rotary Club can do – induct a new member. Mary Mylan, who was proposed by Judy Henbury was inducted into our club. She is a former member of the Rotary Club of Grover Beach. We welcome Mary!
Other items include:
Thanks for being a great club!
James O. Anderson
Today's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-04-22 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Today's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-04-15 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting
Posted by James O. Anderson on Apr 07, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a special guest at our meeting this morning – District Governor Loretta Butts presented recognition coins to the veterans that were present at this morning’s meeting – Richard Hillery, Odell Lee, and Jim Anderson.
We had a very interesting program as well – Will Meyst from The Dunes Center talked about the Dunites. Who they were, what they believed, and some of their art and poetry.
Other items include:
James O. Anderson
This morning's meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-04-08 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Notes
Posted by James O. Anderson on Mar 31, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Our meeting was kind of lightly attended this morning. Thanks to everyone who attended, and I encourage you to bring guests! I know that some of our members are out of town, and tax season is upon us!
We had a very informative talk this morning by Jim Hogeboom, the Lucia Mar Unified School District Superintendent. He spoke about the budget situation. I have attached some information that he discussed.
In addition,
Thanks for all of your service,
James O. Anderson
Meeting Notes | James O. Anderson | 2015-04-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Yesterday's Meeting
Posted by James O. Anderson on Mar 25, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had very interesting program yesterday – Ron Stoz talked about drones, and even brought one and demonstrated it for us in the parking lot.
Thanks again for all you do!
James O. Anderson
Yesterday's Meeting | James O. Anderson | 2015-03-26 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting -- by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 10, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a fun meeting this morning that included a round of “The Not-So-Newlywed Game.” Couples Al and Helen, Odell and Nora, Howard and Cheri, and Dick and Jeri competed in our game show. After a fierce competition, Al and Helen were crowned the champions!
Congratulations to Jeremy and Tara on the birth of their daughter, Phoenix Jade last weekend!!
Also of note:
Thanks again for all of your service!
James O. Anderson
This morning's meeting -- by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-03-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Yesterday's meeting -- Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 04, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Yesterday, Richard Persons, the new CEO of the Santa Maria Fairpark was our speaker.
Thanks again for all of your great support in service!
James O. Anderson
Yesterday's meeting -- Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-03-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 12, 2015
Members, It looks like the weather is going to be great on Sunday so if you have any friends that would like to get off the couch for a couple hours and enjoy a nice BBQ while supporting a great cause, send them an invite!
One thing to note:
Some of the stops don't open early on Sunday so with registration being from 9 - 10, there is no rush it get out of the gates. Remember it's not a race....It's a poker game.
1st card draw: Dana Adobe
2nd card draw: Santa Maria Brewing / Colette & Lou (Opens at 10:00 am)
3rd card draw: Rooney's Irish Pub / Bill P. (Open's at 11:30 but Bill will be there by 10:00)
4th card draw: Presqu'ille Winery / Cees D. (Opens at 11:00, we hope Cees can find it!)
5th card draw: Nipomo Men's Club / Ron
BBQ at 1PM
Last hand in by 1:30
Winner announced at 2pm
Come join the fun!
Poker Run - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2015-02-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Today's Meeting (02/11/2015) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 10, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, we had a visitor from Calgary, Alberta, Kimberly Lysak. We also had an interesting program about the construction of oil pipelines in California in the early 1900’s by Jack Spaulding, a Union Oil retiree.
Other highlights include:
See you at the Poker Run!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Today's Meeting (02/11/2015) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-02-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Next Golf Tournament Committee Meeting - by Bill Pucciarelli
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 04, 2015
The next meeting of the golf committee will be next Wednesday at 530. If you missed the last one, please try to make this one as your input is needed on a number of outstanding issues. The contract with Monarch Dunes has been signed and we are on our way. We need to make person contact with all potential golfers as soon as possible. Peggy is working on SAVE THE DATE flyers and Jeremy is working on the sign-up sheets. Joyce is working on the player gift bags, which will be supplied by Sean. If you know of any one who can contribute player gifts (144) such as Phillips 66 who have these great gifts that the have supplied to other golf tournaments, let Joyce know asap. We will be giving away the golf belts again this year. We are hoping to have each member donate or aquire the following, as well as helping out on the day of the tournament:
If we all pull together this can have the potential of being our most profitable golf tournament ever. |
Next Golf Tournament Committee Meeting - by Bill Pucciarelli | Colette Hyder | 2015-02-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run for Polio - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 03, 2015
The Rotary Club of Nipomo 2nd Annual Poker Run To Fight Polio Sunday, February 15th Registration between 9:00-10:00 AM Take a Tour of the Dana Adobe to Start Your Run 671 S. Oakglen Avenue, Nipomo $30.00 = BBQ, Poker Hand & Raffle Ticket $10.00 = BBQ or Poker Hand BBQ starts at 1 PM - Nipomo Men’s Club Corner of Tefft & Mallagh Street $250 CASH PRIZE FOR BEST HAND 50/50 Drawing and Raffle Please RSVP to Mike Streator at (805) 896-2196 or or Cees Dobbe (805) 540-4748 or
Working for a Polio-Free World. Thank You For Your Support
Members, Above is a flier for the upcoming Poker Run for Polio on Sunday February 15th.
Please invite your family, friends and business associates.
If you own a business or have a friend that does, please print this out and have it placed in a spot for the public to see.
I hope you can attend, and maybe you will be the big winner!
If you would like to help with registration, at any of the poker stops, or with the BBQ please let me know!
A solid gold frog landed at my house last night and I might just raffle him off at the poker run.
It's possibly worth millions.....who knows......YOU BETTER ATTEND IF YOU WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO WIN!
Poker Run for Polio - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2015-02-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting (02/04/2015) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 03, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
First, let me thank Bill Bettencourt for leading last week’s meeting in my absence!
We had a wonderful program today about “Legacy” from Ben Combs, our wintertime guest from Longview, WA. I now know why grandparents and grandchildren get along better than parents and children. If you missed it, see me next week so I can tell you!
Other items include:
Does anyone know where the banner for the Paul Teixeira Memorial Gazebo is? Please contact Ken Whittle if you do!
Thanks again for all you do!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
This morning's meeting (02/04/2015) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-02-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Notes - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 20, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a very interesting program this morning about the Redwood forests of California and the State Park in Humboldt County.
Thanks for all you do!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Notes - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-01-21 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Updates - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 13, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had very interesting speakers this morning – Greg Gracia, the Robotics instructor at Nipomo High School, and one of his students, Kim talked about the Robotics competitions with which they have been involved. They also brought along and demonstrated two of the robots that have been very successful in competition. These machines are designed, built, programmed, and operated by students.
Some other highlights include:
Jeremy Moreno, Richard Dale and I will attend the District 5240 Mid Terms in Santa Maria this coming Saturday.
Thanks again for all of your service!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Updates - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-01-14 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting (01/07/2015) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 06, 2015
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Well, we certainly had a lively meeting this morning! Some highlights include:
AND, everyone got to hear your President recite the Four-Way Test (without looking!)
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
This morning's meeting (01/07/2015) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2015-01-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Tree Planting Project at the Community Park - by Ken Whittle
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 30, 2014
I’m so proud to be a Rotarian!
What a great day at the park. Thank You all so much.
Happy New Year!
Nipomo Tree Planting Project at the Community Park - by Ken Whittle | Colette Hyder | 2014-12-31 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Tree Planting Project - Reminder from Jim and Ken
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 29, 2014
Remember tree planting in the Nipomo Community park on Wednesday morning!
830am. Monterey picnic area. Which is behind the library and above ball fields. Please bring post hole digger and or a shovel; bucket too for water.
If someone has a gas power weed wacker or two or three would be great.
Tree Planting Project - Reminder from Jim and Ken | Colette Hyder | 2014-12-30 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 09, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a very good meeting this morning – it was great to see Emilio and Tammi! Some items of note:
James O. Anderson
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-12-10 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Parade of Lights Canned Food Drive - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 01, 2014
If you would like to contribute to the Christmas Parade of Lights canned food drive this year you can do one of two things:
Bring cans to the meeting tomorrow morning and I will get them to the food bins for you.
Or bring them to the parade this Saturday and simply drop them in one of the food bins along the parade route.
All the food collected is donated to the Salvation Army.
Thank you for everything you do!
Parade of Lights Canned Food Drive - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Today's Meeting (11/12/2014) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 11, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a really special meeting this morning to recognize Veterans Day. Jim Murphy, George Protopapas, Jim Schuller and our own Phil Henry each briefly talked about interesting aspects of their service during the Korean War. There were also Viet Nam veterans and GWOT veterans present as well.
Looking forward,
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria RefineryToday
Today's Meeting (11/12/2014) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-11-12 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
BBQ Tomorrow - No Bologna! by Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 06, 2014
Tomorrow we are assisting the Mesa Middle School in their fundraising kickoff to raise funds for a rock climbing wall at their school.
They have pre-sold 400 chicken lunches! WOW!
They will have faculty members along with students there to assist us so.....
If you have some time tomorrow to lend a hand, come on by.
Even if you just stop by just to give some moral support to the BBQ team it would be great to see you!
We will be setting up early (7 am ) in the Miner's parking lot in Nipomo.
I hope to see you there! No Bologna!
BBQ Tomorrow - No Bologna! by Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-11-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting (11/05/2014) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 04, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
A lot to report on:
We will be dark on December 24 and December 31. Please help with tree planting on Dec 31.
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
This morning's meeting (11/05/2014) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
This morning's meeting (10/29/2014) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 28, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
I’d like to thank everyone in the club for their very hard work on the Taste of Italy event last Sunday. You did a wonderful job – every member contributed in multiple ways. What a great club!!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
This morning's meeting (10/29/2014) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-10-29 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Today's Meeting (10/15/2014) - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 14, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Bill Bettencourt returned from his trip to Tanzania – he said it was difficult to describe in words the beauty of the land, the people, and the animals. He got to witness the wildebeest migration.
Judy received a special Membership Sponsor Award for sponsoring 4 new members since July 2013. Congratulations, Judy!!
Jim Anderson talked about his experience in the Army Reserve and Afghanistan. He also got fined a lot. Past presidents also got fined a lot!
Please save the date of November 22 – Judy is organizing a trip for our club to attend Roller Derby in Santa Maria.
Next week, our program will be District Attorney Dan Dow.
I hope to see everyone there next week!
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria RefineryToday's mee
Today's Meeting (10/15/2014) - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-10-15 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Yesterday - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 08, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
We had a great meeting yesterday. The program was about Roller Derby, and we had several members of the local team in attendance to tell us about Roller Derby, as well as give us a brief demonstration. The last game of the season will be on November 22 in Santa Maria, and Judy will be organizing a Rotary Club of Nipomo trip to see it. I can’t wait.
Next week’s trivia question is: “Which member of the Rotary Club of Nipomo is already a Roller Derby groupie?”
Harry and Jim attended the Rotary District Conference in Monterey last weekend and talked about some of the inspiring speakers. Club veterans were recognized.
Al Daurio is coordinating with the other South County Clubs involved with the literacy book project to find a printer that can do the job.
Octoberfest in the Nipomo Regional Park is coming this Saturday and Sunday. Barry and Jeremy will staff a Rotary booth, and Richard Dale will be barbecuing.
Jim Anderson will talk about his experience in the Army Reserve and Afghanistan next week.
Thanks for all of your service,
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Yesterday - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-10-09 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Today - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 30, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Today, our speaker was Marshall Bradford, who is 99 years and ten months old. Also attending was the charter president of the Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Dennis Allan. Mr. Allan generously donated $500.00, which will be matched by either club points, or individual points to award Mr. Bradford a Paul Harris Fellowship!! What a wonderful gift! We will have Mr. Bradford, and hopefully Mr. Allan back soon to award the Paul Harris Fellowship.
In addition, Kat won the fine free coffee mug, but forgot to take it! I will have it ready for her next week.
Next week, Bill Pucciarelli presents the Roller Derby women as our program.
The barbecue for Mesa Middle School’s rock climbing wall will be on November 7 from 11 – 2. More details to come.
Sell those Taste of Italy tickets! (We found out this morning that, when George cooks, he uses formulas, not recipes!)
Thanks again for all you are doing for our community!
P.S. I have Odell Lee’s e mail address.
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Today - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 09, 2014
Fellow Rotarians –
Some information from yesterday’s meeting:
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-09-10 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Chamber Mixer Reminder - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 08, 2014
Just a friendly reminder our club is hosting the Nipomo Chamber Mixer this Thursday evening from 5-7 pm at the Chamber office on Tefft street.
Come out and enjoy a casual evening with your fellow Rotarians and friends.
This is a great opportunity to meet other community business owners and introduce them to Rotary.
I hope to see you there.
Chamber Mixer Reminder - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-09-09 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Visit of District 5240 Governor, Loretta Butts
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 07, 2014
Loretta Butts, our Rotary District Governor, will visit our club this coming Wednesday. Following is her bio.
Loretta R. Butts Rotary Club of Atascadero
Loretta Butts is a Registered Principal and independent financial advisor. Since moving to the Central Coast in 1989 from the San Francisco Bay area, she has served as the Chair of the San Luis Obispo County Commission on the Status of Women, on the Board of Directors of Life Span Services and Chair of the program advisory committee for the EOC Adult Day Care program in Templeton, CA. After serving a term on the board of the North County Women’s Shelter, she was one of the founding members of the Friends of the North County Women’s Shelter committee.
Loretta joined the Rotary Club of Atascadero in 1994 and since then has served on several of the club’s boards and as Treasurer and Rotary International Foundation chair. In 2001 she was instrumental in the charter of the Rotary Club of Templeton and served as its Charter President from 2001-2003. In 2005, she returned to her home club in Atascadero.
Loretta has seen the impact of Rotary by attending Rotary International Conventions in Barcelona, Los Angles, Lisbon and most recently Sydney.
She has seen Rotary’s direct impact during her travels to Nigeria to assist in the goal of eradicating polio while identifying the need for other Rotary sponsored programs and services. Loretta has also traveled to Uganda representing District 5240 Rotarians responsible for a significant grant to provide furnishings and supplies for a medical clinic and living facilities for staff in a remote village outside of Lira.
Loretta has served the District as International Service Chair, STEPS Chair, Assistant Governor, GSE Group Coordinator, district Paul Harris Society and Annual Giving advisor as well as advisor to the Grants Committee and member of the Future Vision Planning Committee.
She has had the honor of being selected Rotarian of the Year while also being a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, a Benefactor and a member of the Paul Harris Society. Her husband, John, is also a Paul Harris Fellow as are other members of her family.
As a seventh generation Californian, Loretta has deep roots in the land of the District. She has 3 grown children and 10 grandchildren. When not working on service through Rotary, she enjoys her family, reading, music, gardening, fly fishing, golf and Giants baseball.
Visit of District 5240 Governor, Loretta Butts | Colette Hyder | 2014-09-08 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 02, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen –
Some items from this morning’s meeting:
James O. Anderson
Superintendent - Maintenance
Phillips 66 Santa Maria Refinery
Meeting Highlights - by Jim Anderson | Colette Hyder | 2014-09-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
More on Hoedown - by Jeremy Moreno
Posted by Colette Hyder on Aug 03, 2014
Great job Team! There has never been an event that The Rotary Club of Nipomo hasn't shined! Congrats to all of the team members that made it! For the team members that didn't, they were missed!
We made sure we ate the amazing Tri tip, enjoyed the seasoned chicken, indulged in the finest watermelon concoction, drank every drink our hearts desired, and capped it off with one of Judy's famous Bailey's Irish Creme and Caramel Cheesecake!!!
Congrats on the great service and having fun while doing it!!!
Jeremy Moreno |
More on Hoedown - by Jeremy Moreno | Colette Hyder | 2014-08-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Hoedown Thanks! - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Aug 03, 2014
Rotarians, Spouses and Friends, Thank you all for another wonderful BBQ at the Hearst Ranch last Saturday!
We once again had a great turnout of volunteers from our club in support of this worthwhile fundraiser for Wilshire Hospice.
We received a big "THANK YOU" from the organizer of the event and they were extremely thankful and pleased with the food and service we provided.
It takes many hands to do an event of this size and I thank all of you for your help in making this years event a huge success!
BBQ Chair
Hoedown Thanks! - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-08-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
HOEDOWN TIME! -- from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 28, 2014
Fellow Rotarians, Here is an update on next Saturdays BBQ for Wilshire Hospice in San Simeon.
We have a total of 26 volunteers on our team this year! Fantastic!
If by chance you did not sign up, it's not too late. Let me know by tomorrow evening and I'll add your name to the list so they will let you in the gate.
This year anyone that wants to join the morning crew for breakfast, we will be meeting at The Mayors Place in Nipomo at 7:00 am this Saturday.
After breakfast the BBQ cooks will head up and anyone else that would like to join in is welcome.
Food service is to begin at 2:15 so servers should be there by 1:30.
The cleanup crew is needed by 3:00.
Below is a list of this years helpers, thank you all in advance!
Jim Anderson - Chicken
Richard Dale - Meat
Bill Pucciarelli - Bread and Sausage
Jim Harrison - Beans
Ingmar Lauringson - Meat Slicer
Jerry Arseneau - Salad
Judy Henbury - Kitchen and Serving Crew Leader
Harry Walls - Cleanup
Barry Dunahoo
Julie Dunahoo
Howard Hess
Cheri Hess
Lynn Compton
Cees Dobbe
Ilona Dobbe
Rodger Ridley
Chris Ridley
Kat Stowell
Lou Gomez
Colette Hyder
Ken Whittle
Sean Schuur
Socorro Simons
Jeremy Moreno
Tara Gross
HOEDOWN TIME! -- from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-07-29 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Our Participation in the Zambia Project -- from Bill Pucciarelli
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 01, 2014
SoHIP (Seeds of Hope International Partnership) has been awarded a Matching Grant from the Rotary Foundation to provide vocational training to disadvantaged youth and women, empowering them to reverse the downward spiral of poverty in their lives. In May we celebrated the arrival of the container filled with material and supplies, including computers, sewing machines, and carpentry tools, to launch the vocational training programs. The Ndola Mukuba Rotary Club in Zambia was present to hand over the items to Seeds of Hope. — in Ndola, Zambia.
Our Participation in the Zambia Project -- from Bill Pucciarelli | Colette Hyder | 2014-07-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Harry's Stepdown - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 10, 2014
For those of you that missed this mornings meeting we need to get a head count for President Harry's stepdown party on Friday June 20th. Please send me an email if you plan on attending and did not sign up this morning. Thank you in advance. YIRS Mike |
Harry's Stepdown - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-06-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
BBQ - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on May 15, 2014
Hi all, This is just a reminder we are barbecuing tomorrow evening for the Nipomo Chamber Casino Night at The Edwards Barn. The event starts at 5pm and they would like to start serving between 6:00 and 6:15.
If you already committed to working the event "THANK YOU!"
If you have not and want to join the fun come out anytime after 4:30 and jump in.
I'm looking forward to a fun evening with my fellow Rotarians!
Hope to see you tomorrow.
BBQ - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-05-16 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Chamber Casino Night BBQ - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on May 11, 2014
Dear Members,
This coming Saturday May 17th is the Nipomo Chamber Casino Night at the Edwards Barn .
Our club is doing the BBQ for the chamber so I am looking for a head count of volunteers.
We will be cooking and serving Tri-Tip, bread, beans, salad and of course Jocko's salsa.
The event starts at 5:00 pm and dinner will be served between 6 and 6:30.
Please let me know if you are available to help out.
As always, our BBQ's are fun!
Nipomo Chamber Casino Night BBQ - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-05-12 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Golf Tournament 2014 - from Cathy Cachu
Posted by Colette Hyder on Apr 06, 2014
Good Afternoon Rotarians Both the Player Registration and Sponsorship Form can be found in the Download section, to the right of this page . You can use these in conjunction with the bi-fold forms that we've handed out at the weekly meetings (as the bi-fold handouts also has the writeup on what our donations go towards and all that other good stuff). Plus it also shows our two Event Sponsors!!!! We are less than a month away and we really need to start securing our sponsors and golfers. So let's go out there and bring in those teams and sponsors. |
Rotary Golf Tournament 2014 - from Cathy Cachu | Colette Hyder | 2014-04-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Interact BBQ -- from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 18, 2014
Rotary Members,
We could use some help with the interact BBQ tomorrow if anyone is available.
Please be at Richard Dale's house between 10:30 and 11:00 for some tri-tip sandwich building.
We need help slicing and wrapping about 125 sandwiches. Cathy can handle about 100 but we could use some additional help with the other 25. Ha!
I hope to see your smiling faces tomorrow!
Nipomo Interact BBQ -- from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-03-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
NHS Pancake Breakfast - from Jim Harrison
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 13, 2014
Just to say thanks for the great job you all did this morning. Was really fun cooking for and watching the young people eat the pancakes. Again even with the challenges Rotary came through and did a fantastic job.
It was fun. I really appreciate all the work all of you did. Cees please tell your wife we really appreciate her. She was a great help.
Yours in Rotary
Jim Harrison
NHS Pancake Breakfast - from Jim Harrison | Colette Hyder | 2014-03-14 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Richard Simons
Posted by George Dubois on Mar 01, 2014
We'll surely miss Richard.
Richard Simons | George Dubois | 2014-03-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run for Polio - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 22, 2014
Hello Rotarians,
I would like to thank all of you for your help with our very first Poker Run for Polio! What a great day! The weather cooperated perfectly and by the look on everyone's faces it was a good time for all! The food was wonderful and the fellowship was equally as wonderful. Very special thanks to Bill, Lynn, Cees, Ilona, Colette and Lou for being our abroad card dealers! Thank you to all who helped coordinate, set-up, BBQ, cleanup and those who participated in the Poker Run. Also thank you to all that contributed to our "Wagon of Love"! Today was a testimony of why we are "The Best Small Club In District 5240". Our members are all active and that is what makes us so successful in our fundraising efforts. I'm proud to be a member of such a great club! Go Rotary Club of Nipomo! YIRS Mike |
Poker Run for Polio - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-02-23 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run this Sunday - by Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 20, 2014
Fellow Rotarians,
The stage is set and we are ready to go!
Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to help with this event.
If you don't already have an assignment and want to help you can do any of the following:
A) Show up at The Dana Adobe on Sunday morning around 8am, hang out and drink some coffee and help out with registration.
B) Register for the run yourself and take a nice Sunday drive through the Santa Maria Valley. We do have a bus if you don't want to drive yourself but seating is limited.
It will be leaving from The Men's Club at 10:15 so you do need to register at The Dana Adobe first.
C) Help with the BBQ. I will be starting the fire at 10 am. Chicken, beans, bread and salad.
If you would like to hang out around the pit, fantastic. If you would like to butter or slice some bread, even better! There is always something to do. Sell raffle tickets, play horseshoes, etc. so come out and have some fun!
D) Cleanup. It has to be done so the more hands the better.
I hope to see you all at some point on Sunday!
Poker Run this Sunday - by Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-02-21 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run
Posted by George Dubois on Feb 12, 2014
Poker Run | George Dubois | 2014-02-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run for Polio - Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 05, 2014
Dear Rotary Members, Following is the information for the upcoming Poker Run on February 23rd.
Please forward this to your friends and family, business associates, fellow community supporters.
If you know someone in a car club, motorcycle club, or just a guy who likes to get his hot-rod out of the garage for the day, please invite them.
Sunday February 23rd Registration 9:00 – 10:00 AM / Dana Adobe, 671 S. Oakglen Avenue, Nipomo $30.00 = BBQ, Poker Hand & Raffle Ticket $10.00 = BBQ or Poker Hand BBQ starts at 1 PM / Nipomo Men’s Club, Corner of Tefft and Mallagh Street $250.00 CASH PRIZE FOR BEST HAND 50/50 Drawing and Raffle Please RSVP to Mike Streator at 805-896-2196 or Or Cees Dobbe 805-540-4748 or Thank you for all your help in making this a successful event!
Poker Run for Polio - Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-02-06 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Golf Meeting Reminder - by M. Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 19, 2014
This is a last minute reminder we are having our first golf tournament meeting tonight at 6 pm at Judy's house.
This years tournament is being co-chaired by both Howard and Barry so it is sure to be a big success!
I hope to see you there.
Golf Meeting Reminder - by M. Streator | Colette Hyder | 2014-01-20 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Golf Meeting - by J. Arseneau
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 14, 2014
Rotary Members,
The first Golf Tournament meeting is taking place January 20th 6:00pm at Judy Henbury's home. All are invited to attend this very important planning meeting. Dinner will be served.
Thank You,
Jerry A
Club Secretary
Golf Meeting - by J. Arseneau | Colette Hyder | 2014-01-15 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Poker Run Planning Meeting - by Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 15, 2013
Fellow Rotarians,
If you would like to be involved in the planning of next years "Poker Run for Polio" fundraiser I will be having a committee meeting this Thursday, December 19th at 6 pm, 161 West Chestnut Street, Nipomo.
The purpose of this first meeting is to discuss possible dates, times, locations, costs and hosting facilities.
This meeting will include dinner and drinks so please RSVP to me by Wednesday if possible.
Bring all of your ideas and big smiles with you.
I hope you can make it!
Poker Run Planning Meeting - by Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2013-12-16 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Canned Food Results - from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 03, 2013
Rotary Members,
Thank you for all your effort in making this years canned food drive a HUGE success.
The official number of canned food donated by our club is 500!
I will match that number and bring our clubs total to 1000!
Great job!
I want to send out special thanks to Bill Pucciarelli for stepping up and taking on the role of Director of the Canned Food Challenge Response Team.
Thank you Bill! (I knew I would have to double check his count when he had to remove his shoes to use his toes to count after he ran out of fingers).
Also thank you Rodger Ridley for donating his winnings from this mornings raffle to go toward the food drive. Way to go Rodger! Thank you.
As always our club is unmatched in it's efforts to help our community and help those in need.
Have a great day and I hope to see you this weekend at the parade.
Canned Food Results - from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2013-12-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Canned Food Drive Results Week 1 - by Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 26, 2013
Dear Rotarians,
Service Above Self
Those few words pretty much sum thing up.
I put out a small challenge to our club and in return received HUGE results!
Thank you all!
If you were not able to attend the meeting this morning, please bring some canned food to next weeks meeting.
Rumor has it there was over 200 cans brought in this morning! Nice!
Although I still need to verify Bill Pucciarelli's math.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
See you next week.
Canned Food Drive Results Week 1 - by Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2013-11-27 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Canned Food Drive Challenge - by Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 20, 2013
Dear Members,
The Christmas Parade of Lights / Canned Food Drive is just around the corner and I have a challenging for our club.
I will personally match the amount of canned food that is brought in by our membership to the next 2 meetings.
You read that right. I will match ALL of your efforts so let's see what you can do with that.
The canned food drive was one of Paul Teixeira's passions so in his memory lets make this year another HUGE success.
Please raid your cupboards or throw a couple extra cans in your basket next time you go to the grocery store and bring them to one of the next 2 meetings, it's that easy.
We also have can collection boxes set up in Nipomo, one at Starbucks and one at CVS Pharmacy. Spread the word to your friends and family.
Have a great day!
Canned Food Drive Challenge - by Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2013-11-21 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
More Taste of Italy Ticket Sales Update - by Cathy Cachu
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 05, 2013
As of today, we have collected 32 Taste of Italy tickets out of 100 tickets assigned to the Rotary. That means only 68 more to be turned in from our club members. We are definitely getting there . . . but we also have only 20 days before the big event!!!
I've heard from several of you that your tickets have been committed to be sold and you are just pending the collection of the money. Thank you for your efforts! For those that have not communicated to your team captains or to me, please let me know if: 1) You are having trouble selling or 2) You are still working on it and confident you'll have them sold before the event. Now is the time for us to help each other get these tickets SOLD!!! We also need Auction Items . . . so Judy and I will be contacting you directly for help!!! Again, thank you to those members that have already obtained an auction item for the event! There you go . . . that's my Rah, Rah speech!! Looking forward to seeing more tickets turned in on Wednesday!!! Go Team Rotary! |
More Taste of Italy Ticket Sales Update - by Cathy Cachu | Colette Hyder | 2013-10-06 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Taste of Italy - Ticket Sales Update - from Cathy Cachu
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 30, 2013
Dear Members . . . our fundraiser event is just around the corner!! So we really need to put a strong effort in selling those tickets within the next few weeks (because that is all we have)!! For those of you that have sold tickets, please please please bring them tomorrow to the meeting. If you've made a valiant effort to try and sell and not had luck . . . bring your unsold tickets tomorrow or give to your team captain so that we have an opportunity to try and sell them. This event takes 100% participation and we defiinitely have that buy-in from the Drama Department Parents this year! It should be a huge success if we all take accountability and do our part. If you can't sell your ticket, we ask that you try and bring in some donations for our auction! We can do this!! |
Taste of Italy - Ticket Sales Update - from Cathy Cachu | Colette Hyder | 2013-10-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Interactors Take Charge! - from Cathy Cachu
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 22, 2013
Rotarians . . . As September comes to a close, we would like to recognize our Interactors as part of the New Generations month of Rotary.
So please show your support and come to this Wednesday's meeting as our Nipomo High School Interact Leaders take over! Also, the funds raised from "Brags & Fines" that the Interactors dish out during this meeting will be donated to the NHS Interact Club! They will run the meeting up until our regular scheduled program at 8am! Hope to see you all there! |
Interactors Take Charge! - from Cathy Cachu | Colette Hyder | 2013-09-23 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Hospice Hoedown BBQ -- from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 31, 2013
Hello Rotarians,
GET READY.......... IT'S HOEDOWN TIME!!!! The BBQ crew should be at the north gate this Saturday at 9am and the rest of the crew can sleep in and show up anytime after 10am. They plan on serving at 1:30pm. We have 27 volunteers from our club helping out so it should be a fun day!
I passed out the car passes at this weeks meeting so if you did not get one let me know and I will leave your name at the gate. If you have not been there before it is PAST the main entrance to Hearst Castle. Keep going north on Hwy 1 and you will see the entrance on the right hand side of the road.
Any questions please call me.
See you Saturday.
YIRS Mike Cell 896-2196 Jim Anderson - Chicken BBQ Pit
Richard Simons - Beef BBQ Pit
Bill Pucciarelli - Bread BBQ Pit
Jim Harrison - Jocko's Beans and Salsa
Mike Streator - Salad
BBQ'ing for Hospice at Heart Castle - PRICELESS........
Thank you to everyone who is participating.
Hospice Hoedown BBQ -- from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2013-08-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Results of the Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ - by Cees Dobbe
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 28, 2013
To all Rotarians, Wow what a ride it has been. The Friends of Paul Teixeira put on a “simple” $10 Memorial BBQ and we end up with over 20k NET! That is just awesome for something that was put together in less than 2 weeks. Our Rotary club played a HUGE part in making this a success. We all played a small part individually. Together though, we made it BIG! To everyone who bought tickets, sold tickets, worked on it, brought volunteers to the BBQ etc. etc. Give yourself a big round of applause. The interesting thing is that many times when others or myself thank people for helping with this event they say; NO, thank you for letting me be part of this!!! Isn’t that cool……. Below in red is what Deanna posted on Facebook Where do I begin to thank everyone for all the love and support? To the BBQ crew - you are all amazing! What an impressive group you are! I love each of you so much. To everyone who bought a ticket or made a donation or just drove by to say hi, thank you!!! Our family is so appreciative and lucky to live in such a loving community. We know you all miss Paul too, and our love and thanks go out to you all for helping us through this very difficult time.
Are we living in a great community or what!!!!! See you all on Wednesday Cees Dobbe Home (805) 619-7027 Mobile (805) 540-4748 |
Results of the Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ - by Cees Dobbe | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-29 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Status of the Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ - from Cees Dobbe
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 22, 2013
Hello Fellow Rotarians, Wow, what a ride we are on with Paul's BBQ, what a great experience. We are busy planning, organizing and getting ready for PT BBQ DAY on the 27th Cathy Cachu suggested we all wear Hawaiian shirts that day and I think that is a great idea. Cathy and Ken Whittle are coordinating the volunteers so if you have not already contacted them about your availability , please do so. Right now we have over 1,450 BBQ tickets in circulation. A lot of those have been sold and for part of those I have already received the money. So now I need your help for our BBQ team to get as best of an estimate by Thursday how many tickets we really have sold, how many we did not and also how many of the tickets were sold but in your best estimate they will not show up to redeem them...... So at tomorrow morning's meeting I will be there earlier (what am I saying.....) and I would like the following from you · An account of how many tickets you have sold so far together with the ticket numbers · Money for the tickets that you have received so far (corresponding with the ticket numbers) I don’t need to know exactly who bought a specific ticket but I would like to know what money represents what range of numbers. · Give me your best estimate of the number of tickets you have sold where people informed you that they will for sure not redeem them
There is still a lot of week left before PT BBQ DAY so we can still sell more tickets If you know of people/organizations that need tickets let me know and one way or another we will get them there. Obviously if you need tickets yourself you can get those from me anytime or at tomorrow morning’s meeting Let us continue on this wild ride J Rotarily yours,
Cees Dobbe Home (805) 619-7027 Mobile (805) 540-4748 |
Status of the Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ - from Cees Dobbe | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-23 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 21, 2013
Saturday, July the 27th the Friends of the Paul Teixeira Family are holding a BBQ in the Miner’s Parking Lot at the corner of Tefft Street and Mary Avenue. Paul was suddenly taken from us on June the 27th at just 57 years old, leaving his family and innumerable friends in stunned disbelief. Paul was heavily involved with the community his entire life and had given so much to any organization or person in need of help or money. This is the opportunity for our community to give back to Paul’s family, fund a Scholarship for his youngest daughter and to help with some of the issues that his wife Deanna now faces. Checks can be made out to the Paul Teixeira Memorial Fund Nipomo Chamber of Commerce, 671 West Tefft Street suite # 2 Nipomo – Healing Touch Day Spa, 180 South Mary Avenue Nipomo. Rabobank Nipomo, 615 West Tefft Street – St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 298 South Thompson Nipomo – UPS store Nipomo 110 Mary Ave ste#2. The Mayor’s Place, 11 West Tefft Street, Nipomo – Streator Pipe & Supply 1441 South Blosser Road Santa Maria. Or you can e-mail, text (805) 540-4748 or call. Tickets donated by SloCo Data & Printing in Grover Beach. Meat, drinks and bread all donated by the Rotary Club of Nipomo. |
Paul Teixeira Memorial BBQ | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-22 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Year 2012-2013 -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 02, 2013
Dear Members,
Last Saturday night at the District 5240 Awards and Recognition dinner our club not only won the Governors Gold Club of Distinction but for the first time in history, our club won the Best Overall Small Club in the District! Way to go Rotary Club of Nipomo! We should all be proud of our accomplishments this last year in serving our community. In reflection, I encourage you to take a few minutes and scroll thru the meeting pictures from this last year on our Clubrunner page. My goal as President was to not only to continue providing and supporting all of the services our club has done in the past but to make sure that we were having fun while doing so. I think the pictures support my effort. We have a great club and I thank all of you for your dedication and efforts this past year. It is so hard at this time to reflect when we have suffered such a great loss with the passing of Paul Teixeira. The healing process has begun but it will take a long time to fill the void left in our hearts. PAUL TEIXEIRA "SERVICE ABOVE SELF" He lived it. Now we must carry on the torch. YIRS Mike |
Rotary Year 2012-2013 -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Meeting Reminder -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 30, 2013
Just a friendly reminder we will be dark this Wednesday. I would not want anyone showing up to Cypress Ridge and eating alone.
The 4th of July party is still going on Thursday at Jim Mills house.
2 PM -7 PM
510 Sandra Court
Your new President Harry Walls just got back into the country so I'm sure he will have some stories to tell.
Meeting Reminder -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Teixeira Memorial Account -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 30, 2013
Rotary Family,
There has now been an account set up for private donations to the Teixeira family at Rabobank.
Checks should be made payable to "Paul Teixeira Memorial".
All Rabobank locations from Lompoc to Paso Robles and Cambria have been notified.
Please pass this information on to your friends outside Rotary.
Paul gave so much to other people, never asking for anything back.
This time we need to help his family as they have helped so many others in time of need.
Paul Teixeira Memorial Account -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-07-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Teixeira's Service -- From Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 27, 2013
Rotary Family,
Paul's service will be as follows: Tuesday July 2nd Visitation 5:30pm Rosary 7:00pm / St Joseph's Church Wednesday July 3rd Funeral service 11:00am / St Joseph's Church Gravesite services following for the immediate family Celebration of Paul's Life Madonna Expo Center San Luis Obispo Please keep the Teixeira family in your prayers. YIRS Mike |
Paul Teixeira's Service -- From Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-28 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Paul Teixeira -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 26, 2013
Rotary Family,
It is with the deepest sorrow that I announce the passing of Paul Teixiera late last evening.
Please keep Paul's family in your thoughts and prayers.
I will forward information on his funeral arrangements as they come in.
I cannot put into words how deeply Paul will be missed.
We all loved him dearly.
Paul Teixeira -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-27 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Fourth of July Party - reminder from Jerry
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 25, 2013
Rotary Family,
As I am sure you now are all aware the 2013 Rotary Club of Nipomo Picnic is taking place under the direction of member Jim Mills on Thursday July 4th. If you have not heard the location is now back to Jims house; 510 Sandra Court, Nipomo 93444. Party is from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. This is official rotary meeting so all members and their families are encouraged to attend. This meeting will take the place of our regular Wednesday meeting July 3rd at Cypress. Jim wanted to stress that the Picnic is open to all Rotary family members and guests.
I promise that a good time will be had by all.
Yours in Rotary,
Jerry A.
Fourth of July Party - reminder from Jerry | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-26 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Cathy VS Peggy - The Results -- According to Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 19, 2013
Last night the golf battle between Cathy and Peggy took place at Monarch Dunes.
It was more like a game of chess than golf.
Every time Cathy would make a move Peggy would counter attack.
The cat and mouse game went on for nearly three hours.
The restless crowd sat on the patio deck waiting (and drinking) to see who would emerge as the Rotary Women's Golf Champ.
The end result of the battle between Cathy and Peggy was a two stroke victory by long ball hitter Cathy Cachu.
It was not an easy victory for Cathy, Peggy gave her a run for the money all the way to the last hole.
Congratulations to both of you for a battle that will long go down in history.
I'm sure Cathy will be bragging next week.....
On another note.
Be sure to attend next weeks meeting. It will be one to remember.
Paul Teixeira repeatedly fined Judy Henbury this past week and next week guess who will be President....Judy. I hope Paul wears a suit of armor and calls out for a missile defense system backup because Judy is coming at him with both barrels loaded! Paul better head to the ATM machine because he is going to need it.
Everyone have a great weekend!
Cathy VS Peggy - The Results -- According to Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-20 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Cathy VS Peggy -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 18, 2013
It's on tonight!
Girl VS Girl.
Rotarian VS Rotarian.
No this is not a mud wrestling event.
It's a golfing challenge.
Live from Monarch Dunes it's our own Cathy Cachu (longball hitter) VS Peggy Hesse (sneeky good) in a golf match that could be legendary.
They are playing for bragging rights with the best net score on 9 holes.
I have a feeling it might end up a tie but who knows what might happen.
There is one thing for sure. The cheerleaders (us) will be having cocktails on the patio when they finish their game.
If your in the neighborhood and would like to enjoy a nice cold beer or perhaps a glass of wine on me please join me at Monarch dunes this evening around 6:00.
Have a great day!
Cathy VS Peggy -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
July 4th Party
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 12, 2013
Harry, our incoming President is planning to start his year with a party! Reserve the date on your calendar! This will replace the Wednesday July 3rd breakfast meeting.
July 4th Party | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Thank You from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jun 06, 2013
Dear Members,
What an awesome step down party! Thank all of you so much for the wonderful gifts and all the great friendship you shared with me and Lisa tonight. I sat down this evening and looked through the pictures in my new Rotary book and it really hit home. We truly have a great rotary family! Boy did we have some wonderful times this year! I will bring the book to next weeks meeting and share it with the club. We really did A LOT for our community. It was a real honor to be your President this year and I am lucky to have such great friends. Now I am going to cover up in my new monkey blanket (Thanks Al & Helen) and look through my big monkey gift basket. Who knows what I might find in there....... No monkey business YIRS Mike PS John Brantingham will be next weeks President so get ready for some more monkey jokes.... See you Wednesday |
Thank You from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-06-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President Mike Streator's Stepdown Dinner
Posted by Colette Hyder on May 28, 2013
You don't want to miss this event. For more information and reservation please contact Cathy Cachu at |
President Mike Streator's Stepdown Dinner | Colette Hyder | 2013-05-29 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Golf Tournament Results - by Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on May 06, 2013
Dear Members,
Well it looks like the 17th Annual Mesa Oaks Rotary Golf Tournament was another big hit! Thank you Ken and Jeremy for chairing the event and making it another "fun" fundraiser! Thanks to the golf committee for planning this years event down to a "Tee" and following up by running a great tournament. Although this year many members were out of town on the day of the event, we still had a great showing of Rotarians and friends helping make things run smoothly. I am exceptionally proud of all our members! Whether you purchased a tee sign for your business or helped sell some raffle tickets, it takes many hands to have a successful event and that is why our club is so successful, we all participate! I'm looking forward to some bragging in the morning. Our club members just participated in The Pismo Beach Rotary Golf Tournament on Monday and rumor has it they won! Great job Jeremy, Cathy, Peggy and Bill! Have a great evening and I hope to see you all in the morning. YIRS Mike |
Golf Tournament Results - by Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-05-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Update - by Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Apr 17, 2013
Last nights Public Service Awards Banquet was another huge success! It is not often enough that we get to say "thank you" to the first responders that play such an important part in keeping our community safe. Special thanks to Barry Dunahoo and Paul Teixiera for making all the arraignments with the different agency's, making the plaques, and doing a great job presenting them to the recipients. And thank you Ken Shadle for a very inspirational invocation. Also a big thank you to Judy Henbury for arranging a great dinner! Last Saturday we also had 2, (that's right 2!), barbeques going on at the same time. Richard Dale headed up a prostate cancer fundraiser BBQ in Santa Maria along with Bill Pucciarelli and Ken Whittle helping him cook the 180 chicken half's. Rumor has it it was the best darn chicken in the county! Great job guys! Also we had a full crew at the Edward's Barn making our favorite Tri-Tip Sandwiches for the visitors of the Central Coast Greenhouse Growers Association event. Richard Simons did a fantastic job cooking the meat and all of our assembly team and sales team worked great together to make a work day fun! Of course I can't forget to thank Cathy Cachu for bringing the donuts! Also thanks to Cees for those wonderful strawberries! I don't know what he waters them with but they sure are sweet! Thanks to all of you that participated! The proceeds from this event will go to Rotary's continued effort to eradicate Polio. We will be making a 1200.00 contribution toward the cause! Great job! Additionally from the proceeds, our club donates 500.00 back to CCGGA in which they award a scholarships in our Rotary clubs name. What a win win event this is! Lastly, thank you to Judy Henbury for making all the arrangements last week for our fellowship trip to the Melodrama. It was a lot of fun and a great play! Thank you Judy!!! We serve our community and have a lot of fun doing it, this is why we are truly a GREAT Rotary club! Keep up the good work Rotarians! YIRS Mike |
Rotary Update - by Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-04-18 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
April at a glance - by Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Apr 10, 2013
Dear Members,
April looks to be a busy month for our club! We have lots of activities going on and plenty of ways to help our community so if you have the time please jump in and participate! We may be a small club, but we are a MIGHTY club in terms of giving back! Check out our calendar on Clubrunner and you will see what makes us truly MIGHTY! Here is a quick look at what's going on. April 11th: Rotary Social at the Melodrama in Oceano. Should be fun! April 13th: Central Coast Growers BBQ / Cancer Benefit BBQ / District Assembly in Oxnard The Central Coast Growers BBQ is at the Edwards Barn and we could use some sandwich makers about 10:00 if you are available. We need about 200 sandwiches ready by 11:00 for all the helpers of the event. Richard Dale is heading up the Cancer Benefit BBQ in Santa Maria. Contact him if you can help out. April 15th: Board meeting at Mike Streator's house. 5:30 sharp! April 17th: NO MORNING MEETING! You can sleep in for a change! But don't forget that evening we will be honoring our first responders at our Public Service Awards dinner. 6PM at Cypress Ridge. There was a sign up sheet at yesterdays meeting and if you did not sign up there is still time to do so. Please contact me or Judy so we can give Cypress a head count. Spouses are welcome! April 20th: Relay for Life Rotary Team of Nipomo's goal is to raise 1000.00 and I need some help! Small contributions all add up so please help us meet our goal if you can. If you have never walked in the event you are truly missing out. Cancer never sleeps and does not discriminate. Please join the Rotary Team, come out on Saturday and get a little exercise while helping a very worthy cause. May 3rd: Golf Tournament! Keep those players and tee sponsors coming in! We are down to 3 weeks so now is the time! The next golf meeting is on April 22 so please contact Jeremy Moreno if you have any questions regarding the tournament. There are also other ways to help out this month: Colette is still looking for Bocce helpers so contact her if you have some free time. Practices are every Thursday in the Nipomo Regional Park from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Also going on this month is the 3rd graders book assembly. Please contact Al Daurio if you have the time to volunteer and help out. It's a true honor to be President of such a great club! Our community is a much better place because of all we do! Everyone have a great day! YIRS Mike |
April at a glance - by Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-04-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Offsite meeting reminder - from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 31, 2013
Dear Members,
This Wednesdays meeting will be held at Monarch Dunes Golf Course not Cypress Ridge. It will be in the Butterfly Grille Restaurant just behind the pro shop. I hope to see all of you there! YIRS Mike |
Offsite meeting reminder - from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-04-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Update - by Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 26, 2013
Dear Members,
Well, the 6'5" Easter Bunny showed his face at this mornings meeting and it looks like most Rotarian's went home with a little Easter treat! Thanks BIG GUY! And special thanks to the bunny's helpers Bill Pucciarelli and Cathy Cachu for putting on a fun meeting. We have been asked by The Food Bank to participate in a distribution program at Dorothea Lange school starting this summer. Anyone interested in watching the process can join me in Oceano tomorrow morning (Thursday) and see exactly what is being asked of our club. It takes place tomorrow at the Oceano Senior Center, 1580 Railroad Street at 8:45am. I hope to see some of you there! This Saturday is the Nipomo Recreation Associations Kids Day Easter Egg hunt in the park. They will be hiding over 15,000 eggs for the hunt! They also have bounce houses, face paintings, and carnival booths for all the kids. We will be selling hamburgers and hotdogs with all the proceeds going to the Nipomo Recreation Association. Come join the fun if you can! The BBQ crew will be there at 9am to set up and we should be selling burgers by 11:00. Come out and support our community, it's what we do! I hope to see you on Saturday. YIRS Mike |
Club Update - by Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-03-27 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Please join the Nipomo Rotary Team
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 25, 2013
Please join the Nipomo Rotary Team | Colette Hyder | 2013-03-26 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Relay for Life - Team Nipomo Rotary
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 24, 2013
Dear Members,
On April 20th, Relay for Life will be holding it's annual 24hr relay walk at Nipomo high school. I have started the "Team Nipomo Rotary" and need your assistance in meeting our team goal of raising 1000.00 toward finding a cure. I have pledged 100.00 so we are only 900.00 away! Don't worry, I'm not asking everyone to walk for 24hrs straight, only the past Presidents (just kidding!). It only costs 10.00 to join the team so please help out if you can. Our team will not be limited to Rotarians so please invite your friends to join our team and help us reach our 1000.00 goal. The Nipomo Kiwanis are already at 830.00 so we have a little catching up to do! You will be receiving a separate invite from me and if you sign up before this Wednesday meeting maybe the Easter bunny will have a special treat for you! See you all soon. YIRS Mike |
Relay for Life - Team Nipomo Rotary | Colette Hyder | 2013-03-25 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
St Patrick's Day Celebration Party - from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Mar 04, 2013
Dear Members, Bring your family and friends out to Monarch Dunes and enjoy a simple afternoon of corned beef and cabbage, green beer and good times with your Rotary Family. This will not be a pot luck but if you have a favorite St Patrick's day dish or dessert that you would like to share please do so. Please RSVP to me via email so I have a head count. |
St Patrick's Day Celebration Party - from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-03-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Pancake Breakfast - from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 27, 2013
Hello fellow pancake makers and servers,
Tomorrow morning I hope to see your smiling faces at Nipomo high school for the annual Renaissance Pancake breakfast. We will be starting at 6:30 (whew!) but if you want to sleep in and not show up until a little later it's ok. You may get fined or receive a special award for being the last one to show up so be careful. Have a great day! Mike |
Pancake Breakfast - from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-02-28 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Events - from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 18, 2013
Dear Members,
Last weeks Valentine's Celebration was once again a fun filled morning full of laughs and good fellowship. I think Jim Anderson has found a new profession as a game show host! Should we change his classification? Thank you Judy and Cathy for planning another great event! And of course thank you to all the contestants and their spouses for participating! We have several community events coming up in March so show your true Rotary spirit and volunteer to help out at as many as you can. After all, that is what we do! Here are a couple of events to look forward to in March. -- Friday March 1st : Renaissance pancake breakfast at Nipomo High School. Show up at 6:30am and join the pancake making fun! -- Sunday March 3rd: Help support South County Special Olympics by attending their Annual BBQ dinner, silent auction and raffle. 3:00pm - 5:00pm St Joseph's Church. 298 S. Thompson Ave. Nipomo. 12.00 per person includes tri-tip & chicken dinner. Call 544-6444 for tickets or email -- Saturday March 9th and Sunday March 10th: BBQ fundraiser for "The Polished Pet" in the Miners parking lot. Sign up sheets will start this week. -- Sunday March 17th: Poker run for Polio fundraiser. 10:00am at Monarch Dunes. 25.00 to play. That will get us through the first half of March. More fun to come in the second half! See you all back at Cypress on Wednesday morning! YIRS Mike |
Club Events - from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-02-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Offsite meeting reminder - from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Feb 03, 2013
Dear Members,
Just a friendly reminder this week we will be meeting offsite at the Dana Adobe. If you show up for breakfast at Cypress Ridge you might be eating alone! Also this Thursday is United Blood Services blood drive in the Miners parking lot from 2-6pm. Find the hero in you, give blood! Have a great day and I hope to see you this Wednesday at the Dana Adobe. YIRS Mike |
Offsite meeting reminder - from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-02-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Update
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 24, 2013
Dear Members,
January was a great kick-off month for The Rotary Club of Nipomo. We had some great speakers including our very own 4th district supervisor Paul Teixeira, who gave us an update on what's happening in the county and around Nipomo. Dan Thompson got us educated on the future changes of health care reform. We learned from Tom Puerling of Heli-Cal that parts manufactured right here in Santa Maria have made it to Mars on several different missions. Last week Odell Lee talked to us about his career in the CIA and shared some great stories with us. So what's coming up you ask? This Saturday is the STEPS to Eliminate Poverty Sustainably at UC Santa Barbara. Registration and breakfast start at 8:00am. All the information is on the Rotary District 5240 website or contact Bill Pucciarelli for more information. Next Wednesday you will have the privilege of Past President Cathy Cachu running the meeting! There may be some monkey business going on so it should be fun! The guest speaker will be Jim Talbott from SMOOTH transportation in Santa Maria. Then comes the Superbowl party! Come join the Streator's at 2:00 Superbowl Sunday for some good ole BBQ ribs, drinks and football. Should be a great game! On Monday February 4th, Rotary Club of Santa Maria South is celebrating their 40th year club anniversary. RSVP by February 1st to President Jane Kokkinakis at if you are interested in attending. Then on Wednesday the 6th we will be meeting at the Dana Adobe to see the progress that been made since our last club visit. Everyone have a great weekend! YIRS, Mike |
Club Update | Colette Hyder | 2013-01-25 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Update - by Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jan 07, 2013
Dear Members,
Please join me this Wednesday as member Dan Thompson informs us on the new changes coming our way in health care reform. For those of you that missed the tree planting in the park on New Years Eve, Ken Whittle did another great job organizing the event and we planted 25 new trees in our community park! Thank you to all the members and their family and friends who participated in the planting. And special thanks to Richard Dale and Judy Henbury for a great BBQ lunch! Please join your fellow Rotarian's in supporting our own "Citizen of the Year", Sean Sure at the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce Installation and Awards Dinner on Thursday January 17th. Tickets are available at Also this month plan to attend the District 5240 Symposium to Eliminate Poverty Sustainably (STEPS) on January 26th. It will be held at the University of California, Santa Barbara from 8:00am to 3:30pm. You can register online at or contact our International Service Director, Bill Pucciarelli for more info on the event. I hope to see you all this Wednesday! YIRS Mike |
Club Update - by Mike | Colette Hyder | 2013-01-08 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Tree Planting project - Reminder from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 28, 2012
Dear Members, PS (from Colette) You can download the form from Download section of the web page. |
Tree Planting project - Reminder from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-12-29 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Events -- from Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 17, 2012
Dear Members,
Happy Holidays! This last week was a busy one for our club. Thank you to all the members (and a few family members and friends) for Christmas Caroling this last week. We have one more evening of caroling this Thursday evening so be sure to join us and put a smile on some very deserving faces. Special thanks to Joyce Chrisman for scheduling the visits and making all 44 blankets for the residents of the care centers. Great job Joyce!!! Our Rotary Christmas party last Saturday night was once again a big hit. Special thanks to Jim and Suni Mills for opening up their home to our club and hosting a great party! And of course, thank you to all the members and their spouses for bringing all that great food! This Wednesday will be our last meeting of the year so come out and see Santa light up some children's faces with his special visit. I hope to see you all tomorrow. YIRS Mike Christmas Caroling (Last one!) December 20th 5:30 pm Santa Maria Terrace 1405 E. Main Street Santa Maria, Ca |
Club Events -- from Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2012-12-18 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Christmas Caroling - Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 12, 2012
Hello Members,
What a great turn out this evening at Arroyo Grande Care Center! Thank all of you for coming out and making a special evening for some wonderful people. You can see by the smiles on their faces that they really appreciate our singing and company! Although the guys were out numbered by the girls, we still held our own on "The 12 Days of Christmas!". I hope to see you all at the Mills on Saturday evening for our Christmas party. Remember to bring your favorite side dish and share with our Rotary family. YIRS Mike |
Christmas Caroling - Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2012-12-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Park Tree Replanting
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 10, 2012
Hello Rotarians, Ken Whittle is once again planning to lead our Club into replanting trees in the Nipomo Park. This will take place on December 31st. Mark your calendars. If you would like to buy a tree, go to the Downloads section on the right side of this site and double-click on the Tree Replanting Project form. Complete it and return it to Ken. It is a fun way to end the year! Happy Holidays, Colette
Nipomo Park Tree Replanting | Colette Hyder | 2012-12-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Events - Reminder from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Dec 08, 2012
Dear Members,
Happy Holidays! As Christmas quickly approaches we will indeed be a busy Rotary Club again this week. Below is a list of the scheduled events this week: Monday December 10th, board meeting at Mike Streator's house, 5:30pm. There will be some elk chili and hot apple cider for those that can attend. If you have any special requests for the agenda please send them to me before Monday at noon. Tuesday December 11th, Christmas Caroling at 5:30pm, Country Oaks Care Center, 830 E Chapel Street, Santa Maria. Wednesday, December 12th, Rotary breakfast meeting at Cypress Ridge, 7:00am. Mike Foley will be our guest speaker. Christmas Caroling at 6:00pm, Villa Maria Health Care, 425 Barcellus Ave, Santa Maria. Thursday December 13th, Christmas Caroling at 6:15pm, Arroyo Grande Care Center, 1212 Farroll Ave, Arroyo Grande. Saturday December 15th, Rotary Christmas party at Jim & Sunni Mills house, 510 Sandra Ct., Nipomo. Jim hired a band so bring your toe tappin' shoes and be prepared to party! I hope to see ALL of you singing this week! YIRS Mike |
Club Events - Reminder from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-12-09 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary News -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 18, 2012
Dear Members,
Thank you to all the members who participated this last weekend and provided many local Nipomo families with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Special thanks to Paul Teixeira and Ken Whittle for taking the lead in providing this great service to our community. The picture in the Adobe next week will probably show a long line of Nipomo Lions serving the meals to the community, but it was the Rotary club members who were up at the crack of dawn preparing the turkeys, setting up the tables and chairs in the church, decorating, and working in the kitchen in preparation for the event. Our Rotary Club ROCKS! This Wednesday we will have a "short" meeting at The Cypress Ridge Pavilion and afterwards all of you that can help with the turkey pull in Pismo Beach would be appreciated. Dress appropriately for the occasion, you might get a little grease on your shoes! I'll see you all on Wednesday! YIRS Mike |
Rotary News -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-11-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Business -- Mike Streator
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 11, 2012
Dear Members,
Thank you to all the members that participated in the "Stomp for Innovation" barbeque last Saturday night. We had a great showing of Rotarians and helped the Lucia Mar Foundation for Innovation have a very successful fundraiser. Our own member Paul Teixeira turned a little purple during the event and hopefully we will have a little footage of the "Stomp-off" to share with those of you that couldn't make the event. Come join us this Wednesday morning at Blacklake and welcome Santa Maria Breakfast Rotary clubs current president Chris Hastert to the center stage. Chris will be our guest speaker and is the general manager of the Santa Maria public airport. Chris has offered to book our two clubs a private flight to Vegas for an "after hours step-down party" next year in June. It's too bad the plane only seats two people.....I wonder who he will take with him? Come on Chris, we have time to find a bigger plane, don't we? Anyway, back to business. Also at our meeting on Wednesday, Ken Whittle will give us an update on this next Saturday's community Thanksgiving event which is sure to be a huge success. The following Wednesday, November 21st, we will be meeting at the Cypress Ridge Pavilion. There will be no program that day, but get ready to get your hands greasy again. It's the annual Pismo Beach Police Officers Association Thanksgiving dinner and we have been once again honored with pulling apart 2800 lbs of turkeys for the event. That's right 2800 lbs!. Directly after breakfast we will head to the Pismo Beach Veterans hall and start preparing the birds for dinner. If you haven't had the fun of turkey pulling then you sure won't want to miss this event. I hope to see you all this Wednesday! YIRS Mike |
Rotary Business -- Mike Streator | Colette Hyder | 2012-11-12 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Stomp for Innovation BBQ
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 08, 2012
For those of you that missed this weeks meeting, I announced that our club is helping the Lucia Mar Foundation for Innovation's fundraiser "Stomp for innovation" by barbequing the chicken and toasting the bread for the event.
The event is will take place from 5pm to 8:30pm at the Edwards Barn tomorrow evening. Please come by and lend a hand if you have time. You don't need to be on the BBQ team to participate! I will make sure we have some cold beer on hand and maybe a bottle of wine (or two). Our very own Paul Teixeira is going to stomp some grapes in a contest so let's all show up and support him. Hope to see you tomorrow! YIRS Mike |
Stomp for Innovation BBQ | Colette Hyder | 2012-11-09 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Election Day
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 04, 2012
Hello Members,
It is finally here, election day 2012! Just a friendly reminder, if you have signed up as a poll worker and don't remember your shift, please contact Bill Pucciarelli at or call him at 805-264-4033 for your shift schedule. I will see the 6am shift in the morning, and since the Willow Road extension is now open I can sleep in an extra 10 minutes! If you didn't sign up and just have nothing better to do, come by and have some coffee and donuts! Have a great day! President Mike |
Election Day | Colette Hyder | 2012-11-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo 4H Fundraisers
Posted by Colette Hyder on Nov 03, 2012
Hello Members,
The Nipomo 4H is having their annual pie sale fundraiser this evening at St Joesph's Catholic church in Nipomo. A few Rotarians and friends will be manning the BBQ pit for the event. So........ I picked up a few extra tri-tips if you would like to come by and enjoy a little snack and maybe buy a nice pie to support them. The crew will be there at 5pm, I hope to see you there! Mike |
Nipomo 4H Fundraisers | Colette Hyder | 2012-11-04 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Club Update
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 29, 2012
Hello Members,
I hope you all had a great weekend enjoying the California sunshine! It's tough to beat life on the Central Coast! I'd like to thank our wonderful Nipomo Rotary BBQ team for doing a great job this past weekend at both the Willow Road opening reception and the Dorothea Lange School fundraiser, great job team! This week we will be meeting back at Blacklake and will have the honor of having our District Governor, Frank Ortiz as our guest speaker. Let's all give Frank a warm Nipomo welcome to our meeting. See you all tomorrow! Mike |
Club Update | Colette Hyder | 2012-10-30 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Weekend Events -- from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 24, 2012
Hello Members,
Tomorrow is a big day for Nipomo! The Willow Road extension is finally completed and should be open to traffic on Saturday the 27th. They will be having a ribbon cutting tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 and a reception following at the Edwards Barn. Our club along with the Nipomo Chamber will be hosting the event so if you have the opportunity to help out in the afternoon that would be wonderful! The event is from 3 - 6 PM and we could use a little help between 3:30 - 4:00 to assemble some sandwiches if any of you have time. Also, this Saturday in the Miners parking lot, we are making 700 Tri-Tip sandwiches for the Dorothea Lange School fundraiser so if you have some time in the morning swing by and lend a hand. All we have to do is cook and slice the meat and the parents of the students are doing the rest. If you can't work it, at the least come by for some coffee and donuts and show your support for the BBQ crew. I hope to see each of you at some point over the weekend. If not, have a great weekend and I will see you next Wednesday back at Blacklake. President Mike |
Weekend Events -- from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-10-25 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Upcoming Events according to Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 18, 2012
Hello Rotarians,
October is heating up in Nipomo and our club is busy, busy, busy. This Saturday "A Taste of Italy" is set to be a great event so I wish all of you that purchased tickets the best of luck! Show up and lend your fellow Rotarians a hand and enjoy a fun evening in Nipomo. And just a quick reminder that we will be meeting at "The Hideout Coffee Shop" in Nipomo next Wednesday instead of Blacklake. Guess what then? Next Friday is the ribbon cutting for the Willow road extension and we have been summoned to BBQ for about 100-125 guests at the Edwards barn. The Chamber is going to be there to help so it should be a fun event. I'll have more details by next Wednesday's meeting but plan on a few hours in the afternoon / evening to help out if you can. We are so good we should be able to do this one with our eyes closed! Then, once again, on Saturday the 27th we will be helping out Dorothea Lange Elementary by cooking some tri-tip in the Miner's parking lot. All we are doing is cooking / cutting the tri-tip and bread. The parents and students are assembling the sandwiches so a hand full of Rotarians should be all we need to handle this one. If you can't make the morning shift then at least come by and buy a sandwich for lunch! Have a great weekend and I'll see you all next Wednesday. President Mike |
Upcoming Events according to Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-10-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Weekly Update from Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 08, 2012
Hello Rotarians,
Our Rotary family picnic on Sunday was a fun time for all! What a great Sunday afternoon! The beer was cold and the weather was perfect! Thank you all for sharing your favorite dishes and deserts! Great food!!!! I would like to personally thank Cees and Ilona Dobbe for opening their beautiful home to our club. We are extremely lucky to have such wonderful members and they are the best! Also a big thank you to Cathy and Judy, my favorite party planners. You girls rock! And a HUGE thank you to Jim Mills for cooking some great chicken and ribs! Finger lick'in good Jim! Boy did we have some heavy competition going on in the Corn Hole game. At the end of the day it all came down to this: "Ringers" Barry and Jerry -VS- "Sandbaggers" Harry and Dan. Boy was it a harry ending (no pun intended Harry). Every time Barry would throw one in the hole, Harry would top him. Every time Dan would think he had a point, Jerry would smirk and tame his thoughts with some crazy shot. When all was said, the 2012 Corn Hole Champions are Barry and Jerry, congratulations! You are true champions! This Wednesday we will have the drama club as our guest speakers. So..... If you need a little drama in your life.... See you Wednesday!!! One last reminder. This coming Saturday is Oktoberfest in the park and we are barbecuing so let Richard Dale know if you can help out. It's always a great way to spend the day!!!!! Have a great day! YIRS Mike |
Weekly Update from Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-10-09 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Message from President Mike -- October update
Posted by Colette Hyder on Oct 01, 2012
Hello Members,
I hope you all had a great weekend and caught up on some sleep because October is going to be a busy month for our club! Last weekend Bill Pucciarelli, Harry Walls and myself set off to the district conference on the Queen Mary and even with the 405 shutdown we all made it there without raising our blood pressure. Speaking of blood pressure, this Thursday, October 4th, there will be a blood drive in the Von's parking lot. Cee's will throw out a reminder to us tomorrow morning. This is an easy way of giving back, do it if you can! Harry will also give us an update on the district conference at tomorrows meeting that the queen herself would be proud of. Ha! This coming Sunday, October 7th, is our Rotary family picnic. Bring out the family and enjoy the afternoon with some fun and games. Cathy Cachu will make her final announcement tomorrow and if you haven't heard about it by now you might as well go back into hibernation for the winter. Then, just when you thought you heard it all, Octoberfest is here! On Saturday, October 13th, the good' ole Rotary BBQ team will be cookin' up some fancy BBQ for all of Nipomo to enjoy! Led this year by our own infamous BBQ'ER Richard Dale, we should have one heck of a cook out. Richard will be passing around a sign up sheet at tomorrows meeting so put your name on the list and help out! Don't relax just yet. A Taste of Italy will be on Saturday, October 20th.This is our second largest fundraiser for the year. Have you sold your tickets yet? Paul Teixeira is trying to set a record this year so any unsold tickets hand off to him. JUST KIDDING! We should get an update at tomorrows meeting, right? Tammi? Cathy? Paul? Anyone with info stand up and be heard! And then, just when you thought you could breath, another BBQ! On October 27th we will be doing a fundraiser for Dorothea Lange Elementary. We only need to cook, not serve. This one should be a breeze. I just need a volunteer to step up and run it for me, any takers? Also this month, our DG, Frank Ortiz will be at our meeting on October 31st. Let's all show up for this meeting and greet him with the respect he deserves. Lastly, our guest speaker this week is from Mike Brown from COLAB. It should be an interesting presentation. I will see you all in the morning! Your President Mike |
Message from President Mike -- October update | Colette Hyder | 2012-10-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Message from our President
Posted by Colette Hyder on Sep 17, 2012
Hello Members, I'm back from north of the Arctic Circle and happy to return to the sunny central coast. Boy are we lucky to live in such a beautiful area! I kissed the ground when I got off the plane. We have a last minute speaker change for tomorrows meeting and if you like ice cream you better not miss it. Greg Steinberger from Doc Bernstein's will be our guest speaker and rumor has it he will have some coffee flavored ice cream to get our morning kick started. Have a great afternoon and see you all in the morning. Your President Mike |
Message from our President | Colette Hyder | 2012-09-18 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Message from our President
Posted by Colette Hyder on Aug 07, 2012
Hello Rotarians,
What a great meeting this morning! I can personally say that when our club hands over a 3000.00 check to an organization that helps our wounded active military soldiers, we should all feels good inside. These solders paid the ultimate price for protecting our freedom and we are all in debt to them. Special thanks to Van Curaza and John O'Connell of Operation Surf, for all you do to help our wounded solders heal. What a great organization! I would like to re-cap a little on this past weekends Hospice Hoedown BBQ. Paul Teixeira did a wonderful job organizing the event and we fed 350+ people! We had 22 members plus a few spouses show up to work the event and it was truly a wonderful day! Great job Nipomo Rotary! Special thanks to Bill Pucciarelli for feeding all the members lunch. Boy there was some hungry vultures around the pit when it came time to eat. Great food Bill! I would also like to thank Colette for jumping in her car and making an emergency "chicken run" to Morro Bay. We might have suffered a pecking from the crowd if we ran out of chicken! Good call Chicken Anderson, I mean Jim. We also learned a valuable lesson. Jim Mills should have been properly trained in how to slice bread BEFORE cutting off his finger. But somehow his finger grew back by this morning. Could Jim be part lizard? Two last notes. This Saturday we will be having a roadside cleanup at 8:00AM. Meet in the Jocko's parking lot and Jim Mills will give you your assignment. The board meeting date has been changed to Monday August 20th at 5:30PM at my house. Have a great weekend! Your President Mike |
Message from our President | Colette Hyder | 2012-08-08 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Message from President Mike
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 10, 2012
Hello Rotarians,
What a great day! I would like to thank all the members who showed up at the fairgrounds this morning for my second meeting. It's always nice to get a glimpse of where our clubs hard earned money is going and I think we all agree that supporting our local youth at the fair is a great way of doing so. The kids work hard raising their animals and earn every penny they make off the auction. Special thanks to Judy Henbury for some great donuts, coffee and juice. Now that's what I call a breakfast of champions!!!! Thanks Judy!!! Dave Wright did a great job telling us about the fair, it's history, and plans for the future. You won't find a nicer gentleman than Dave. The fair CEO, Dennis Pearson was even there to give the new Rotary president (me) a little grief for the short 72hr notice of our meeting. I thought being a fair sponsor should have a little pull but I guess next year when they call me for my contribution I'll need an additional 72hrs to make up my mind! Ha! Now this is fun! Thank you to Dennis for getting us free parking and admission. I would like to say you all looked good in your jackets! There was some rattling in the crowd by the three "J's" (Jim Anderson, Jim Harrison & James Mills) about how I resembled Jorge the goat. Cees quickly fined them 5.00 each and they abruptly quieted down. Good job Cees. This could be a long year for the three J's. Jim Harrison indicated early on that he wanted to buy the fine free badge for the month of July but was quickly outbid by Ken Whittle for 55.00. Good job Ken! Oh, I mean sorry Jim, don't be such a tight wad and you could have owned it! That goat comment might haunt you Jim. Ha! Now back to business. This Saturday night we are barbequing for the AGHS 20 year class reunion. Bill Pucciarelli is heading it up and does need some more help! Please call him for details. 264-4033. Next week we are back at Blacklake so bring your smiles and wallets. Cees will be wearing his new hat!!!! Have a great weekend everyone! Sincerely, Your President Mike |
Message from President Mike | Colette Hyder | 2012-07-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Santa Barbara Fair
Posted by George Dubois on Jul 10, 2012
Santa Barbara Fair | George Dubois | 2012-07-11 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President's message - Rotary Update
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 05, 2012
Hello all you wonderful Nipomo Rotarians!
What a great kick off to a new Rotary year we had on the 4th of July! Thank you all for attending my first meeting, all I can say is WOW, that was a fun! I am looking forward to a great year as your new president. I would like to give special thanks to Sean Sure for cooking up some great burgers and dogs, and all the rest of you for sharing your great side dishes. Boy we had some great food! This Rotary Club sure knows how to party! My secret panel of judges has picked the winners for best patriotic dressed male and female candidates. Their names will be announced at my first meeting at Blacklake on July 18th in a special presentation. Thank you all for showing off your Red-White and Blue! I have two announcements for the upcoming week. My first board meeting will be next Monday, July 9th at 5:30. It will be at my house and there will be food and drinks for all so please let me know if you plan on attending. Next Wednesday we will have another offsite meeting. We will be meeting at the Santa Barbara County fairgrounds and our speaker / tour guide will be David Wright. He will give us some fair history and a tour of the fairgrounds. Wear your cowboy boots and maybe I can arrange for you to ride a steer or a goat. Just kidding... There is one simple rule to get FREE parking and Free admission into the fairgrounds. You MUST wear you blue Rotary jacket, it's that simple. That is your ticket in. Let's see how many Rotarian's can remember that rule. If you forget to wear your jacket it will cost you 5.00 to park and 1.00 admission plus a HUGE fine following week. Show off your Rotary blue and wear your jacket!!!! I will send out the parking and meeting details in another email on Monday because I am simply tired of typing and I'm sure you are tired of reading this letter. Have a fantastic weekend!!! Your President Mike Streator |
President's message - Rotary Update | Colette Hyder | 2012-07-06 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President's Message - 4th of July
Posted by Colette Hyder on Jul 01, 2012
Dear Members,
This is my first official email to you as your new club president! I would like to congratulate Cathy for such a wonderful year and to wish her the best in her retirement! Ha! I would like to remind everyone that we will NOT be meeting at Blacklake this Wednesday. If you show up for breakfast at Blacklake this Wednesday I'm sorry to say but you will probably be eating alone. We WILL be meeting at my house this Wednesday at 4:30pm and the official bell will ring at 5:00pm. This is a social event, so be festive and wear your best red, white and blue attire. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be the official meal of the afternoon so if you would like to bring your favorite side dish or desert and share with everyone that would be great. Spouses and friends are all welcome, just let me know if you are coming so I can provide everyone with a seat! Lastly, I am saddened to say that Cathy's sheriff department award which was left behind at her step down party has not shown up yet. I am offering a 100.00 reward for it's safe return, no questioned asked. If the person who "borrowed" it would like to remain anonymous, please just return it and we will not file charges. I look forward to another great year in Rotary! Mike Streator Rotary Club of Nipomo |
President's Message - 4th of July | Colette Hyder | 2012-07-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Working Polls
Posted by George Dubois on Jun 04, 2012
Rotary Working Polls | George Dubois | 2012-06-05 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Presidents Message 3-13-12
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Mar 14, 2012
![]() Dear Members: We are updating our look on our website ( and on facebook (like us on facebook if you have an account). Big big thank you to Colette for researching the "Clubrunner" program which we have upgraded to. Also thank you to Guy Murrary for keeping us current with Facebook. Please check out these sites for a lot of fun pictures and information!! Other Business . . .
See you all on Thursday!! (ps go to our website for more pictures from the "Not So Newly Wed" Game) |
Presidents Message 3-13-12 | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-03-15 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
The "Not So Newly Wed" Game
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Mar 11, 2012
The Rotary Club of Nipomo enjoyed a fun-filled breakfast meeting hosting the "Not So Newly Wed Game" the day after Valentine's Day!!!
Winning Couple: Cees & Ilona
Cees whispering "sweet nothings" to Ilona!? |
The "Not So Newly Wed" Game | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-03-12 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
President's Message 3-5-12
Posted by Henry Webb on Mar 06, 2012
Dear Members:
Somewhat quiet weekend for our club. Here's what's happening this week . . . 1. Program Speaker: Ben Coombs (our visiting Rotarian from Washington). Topic – “Getting Older Happens”. ("No comment" . . . from the youngest member in our club)
2. March 7th (Wed): The 18th Annual San Luis Obispo International Film Festival event is scheduled for this week at the new Cuesta College Theatre. Opening night this Wednesday is sponsored by various Rotary Clubs on the Central Coast (including Nipomo) and will be the new documentary “The Shot Felt ‘Round the World” . . .the surprisingly riveting story behind the development of the polio vaccine. Tickets to the event are $25. First showing is at 6:30pm. Sorry for the late notice. If you are interested, I can send you the attachment.
3. Don’t forget our Joke Challenge. In lieu of our Rotary Moment this week, we will open it up to our joke challenges . . . as we will need to decide which one we are going to use at the JOINT MEETING the following week!
Other notes . . . check out our Rotary display at the Nipomo Library. Also check our Rotary Website for updates: See you all Wednesday! YIRS, ![]() |
President's Message 3-5-12 | Henry Webb | 2012-03-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Mesa Oaks Charity Classic Golf Tournament: May 4, 2012
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Mar 01, 2012
Mark your calendars . . . Rotary Club of Nipomo's Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic is scheduled for Friday, May 4, 2012 at the beautiful Monarch Dunes Golf Course in Nipomo. This golf tournament is the club foundation's major fundraiser for the year. Proceeds raised through this event go towards funding youth & vocational scholarships as well as provide assitance to other worthy causes in the community to help seniors and those in need. For more information on how you can participate or become a sponsor/donor for the event, you can download the golf registration and sponsor forms on our website. You can also contact Golf Tournament Chair, Mike Streator, at (805) 896-2196. |
Mesa Oaks Charity Classic Golf Tournament: May 4, 2012 | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-03-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
16th Annual Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Mar 01, 2012
Mark your calendars for Friday, May 4, 2012.
The Rotary Club of Nipomo is hosting its Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic at the beautiful Monarch Dunes Golf Course in Nipomo. This event is the Club Foundation's major fundraiser with proceeds raised to benefit the local youths, seniors, and other worthy causes in the community. If you would like to participate in the event or become a sponsor, the forms are readily available and can be downloaded from our website. For more information, you may contact Golf Tournament Chair, Mike Streator, at (805) 896-2196. |
16th Annual Mesa Oaks Charity Golf Classic | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-03-02 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Presidents Message
Posted by Henry Webb on Feb 25, 2012
Fellow Rotarians:
Another exciting week in Rotary.
· The Renaissance Program Pancake Breakfast went off without a hitch. Over 400 students and 800+ pancakes (plus a few works of art). Thanks to all who helped out! It was very much appreciated.
· We Rotarians hit the front page of the Adobe News with our Dana Adobe Work Day!!! Thanks again Lou for working the media!
· Thanks to Richard Dale, Special Projects Chair, we have a nice coat rack to be installed at the Kindergarten Class, Rm #2 at Nipomo Elementary School. For those that can be present for the presentation and installation, it will be Monday (2/27) at 1:30pm.
· NHS Interact Installation & Celebration – reschedule for TUE 2/28 @ 12:00pm Nipomo High School. In lieu of an evening event and having to coordinate with student schedules, we will be presenting Interact Officer Pins and Member Certificates at a special Interact lunch meeting presentation. For those Rotary Members that would like to attend, please check in at the front office at the high school.
· Received a text from our President Elect, Mike Streator who is attending PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) this weekend. It “appears” (based on photos sent) that he is learning (?) some team building skills. We will have Mike give us his report on Wednesday. This should be good!
YIRS, Cathy F. Cachu Rotary Club of Nipomo |
Presidents Message | Henry Webb | 2012-02-26 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotarians Support Nipomo High School Renaissance Program
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Feb 24, 2012
Move over I-HOP . . . there's a new player in town.
The Nipomo Rotary Club has found a new talent . . . the art of making pancakes. With over 400 NHS students being rewarded with a Pancake breakfast for earning GPAs of 3.0 or higher, the Nipomo Rotarians were tasked with cooking & serving over 800+ pancakes. Our Pancake Crew started the morning at 6:15am and were ready to serve the students by 8:00am. Great Job Rotarians! Photo gallery below includes some of our best art work! |
Rotarians Support Nipomo High School Renaissance Program | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-02-25 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Rotary Work Day at the Dana Adobe
Posted by Cathy F. Cachu on Feb 18, 2012
A collaboration of efforts from the Rotary Club of Nipomo and the three Santa Maria Clubs made for a successful "Group 12 Rotary Work Day" at the Dana Adobe. A surprise visit from DG First Lady Roxanne Nomura was well received, especially with her homemade chocolate chip cookies! Thanks to PR Director, Lou Gomez, the SM Times and KSBY were there to capture over 40 Rotarians at work! A Thank you to our BBQ Crew for providing the food and to Sunni Mills for the wonderful potato salad! View more Work Day pictures on our Rotary Club of Nipomo Facebook! |
Rotary Work Day at the Dana Adobe | Cathy F. Cachu | 2012-02-19 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Jim Mills Blue Badge
Posted by Henry Webb on Feb 06, 2012
Well it looks like President Cathy and Judy Henbury have lured a new victim into the web of fun which is Rotary Club of Nipomo. We are certainly on a growth path this year, thanks to all! |
Jim Mills Blue Badge | Henry Webb | 2012-02-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
August 3rd Bulletin
Posted by Billie Cravello on Aug 02, 2011
![]() Take a moment to read last weeks bulliten before the meeting tomorrow...
If the link does not work, cut and paste this |
August 3rd Bulletin | Billie Cravello | 2011-08-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
July 20th Bulletin
Posted by Billie Cravello on Jul 19, 2011
July 20th Bulletin | Billie Cravello | 2011-07-20 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Rotary begins 15th year of service
Posted by Henry Webb on Jul 06, 2011
![]() A new slate of officers will lead the Rotary Club of Nipomo as it begins its 15th year of service to the community. Chartered in April 1997, the club has been a committed source of help to the area as members support charitable activities, youth and senior groups and other worthy causes both locally and throughout the world. More.. |
Nipomo Rotary begins 15th year of service | Henry Webb | 2011-07-07 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Nipomo Rotary Also Now on Facebook
Posted by Guy Murray on Jul 02, 2011
Rotary Club of Nipomo
![]() Promote Your Page Too Come join the Rotary Club of Nipomo on Facebook! See you there! |
Nipomo Rotary Also Now on Facebook | Guy Murray | 2011-07-03 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Out with the Old and Decreped and in with the Young and Vibrant
Posted by Henry Webb on Jun 26, 2011
![]() It was a beautiful afternoon in Nipomo, and all was well with the world. Until... 5 PM, the Simons barn when the best and the beautiful of Nipomo Rotary started arriving to applaud, bless themselves and be thankful for the removal of our current dictator, the X president formerly know as Ingmar. Fun was had by all with Sheriff Simons and at least 6 deputies keeping a vigilant accounting of the movements of our former fallen President. After a great dinner and a few libations during the evening the "Step Down" officially started with the arrest of the varmint Ingmar. Nipomo is certainly not south of Pecos, we do however have a hanging Judge, a prosecutor, a sheriff, a Nun in a brown bear suit and of course the defense lawyer, our very own young and vibrant new president Cathy. As an unbiased observer, I have to say Cathy was no less than hot in her boots. I digresses. As the crowd was calling for the lynching of the hand cuffed rascal Ingmar, cooler heads prevailed and X president Ingmar is still with us today, it was a close decision though and will probably be debated for years to come. Take a look at the pics on the net, thanks to Guy For those not in attendance, you missed a great party and send off of President Ingmar, his emotional hand shake with the X First Lady brought tears to, well, I'm sure brought tears someone's eyes. |
Out with the Old and Decreped and in with the Young and Vibrant | Henry Webb | 2011-06-27 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Step down coming, and just in time!
Posted by Henry Webb on Jun 12, 2011
It's that time of year again when we celebrate, finally, the stepdown of our current fearless leader Ingmar. This evening will be marked with frivolity, libations and of course long boring speeches. In a effort to mitigate any misgivings by our current president, he has appropriately been left out of the planning for this event, well, honestly we wanted to make sure it was a success. Bill Bettencourt, planner, ex President, world traveler and pole dancer will be the MC for the evening as well as our token portage. Lets say thank you now to Richard Simons, he has generously agreed to host this swore at his luxury barn and sometimes cat house in Nipomo. Remember since Ingmar is the closest thing we have to a real cowboy, western duds will be mandatory for all you bulls, heifors and Paul Texeria. This event will be on Sunday June 26th, the evening will start at 5:00 with a much needed attitude adjustment and then at 6:00 a buffet dinner featuring, Prime Rib, Chicken Marsala and Cajun Salmon. Please RSVP to very own pole dance, Bill Bettencourt at; or 805-473-2849 |
Step down coming, and just in time! | Henry Webb | 2011-06-13 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Quote of the Week - Who Said It?
Posted by Henry Webb on Jul 31, 2008
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? | Henry Webb | 2008-08-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?
Posted by Henry Webb on Jul 31, 2008
An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? | Henry Webb | 2008-08-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Mark Your Calendars!
Posted by Henry Webb on Jul 31, 2008
Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
Mark Your Calendars! | Henry Webb | 2008-08-01 00:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||
Presidents Notes
Posted by Henry Webb
Joint meeting Tuesday nite. 6 is cocktails, dinner at 6:30 at the Airport Hotel in Santa Maria.
Thursday - Board Meeting at Bill Bettencourts 5:30 he will tell the gate guard t let you in, but not them. Discuss scholarships ?
FRIDAY - Nipomo High School pancakes for Renaissance, early crew 6:30? servers needed 7:30 ? Cees is checking on times etc.
Saturday- Ricard Simons is BBQ chief for Chamber Casino night he may need some help.
Wednesday- sleep in or better yet, get what Ken Whittle got last week, no regular meeting !
Ingmar Lauringson
Rotary Club of Nipomo
Presidents Notes | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Event Raises $20,000 for Leukemia Research
Posted by Ingmar Lauringson
"Light the Night" is big success for Nipomo Rotary and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Rotary Event Raises $20,000 for Leukemia Research | Ingmar Lauringson | 0 | ||||||||
Nipomo Elementry
Posted by Ingmar Lauringson
By 1pm and 90 plus degrees the lunch tables boards were replaced, the tetherball was welded. Mike Streators dad Jack showed up and helped with the welding. Mike, thank you for loading and bringing out the welder and doing the job working off the ladder in the front of the school while the rest of the crew was in the back.
The lunch tables boards were replaced by a crew that included members with Valley Fever, one with a bad back and another who dangerously overheated, all of whom had other things to do that day.
Jim Harrison provided some of the boards, Lucia Mar provided the rest plus the paint. Thank you to Mike E. and Jim for routing, priming and painting the boards ahead of time.
The Principal Brett Gimlin was there the entire day and worked very hard to improve the things for the kids at the school.
A big thank you to Mike Eisner, Jim Harrision, Mike Streator and Jack, Lou Gomez, Jerry Arseneau, and Doug Marohn for quite a day.
Ingmar Lauringson
Rotary Club of Nipomo
Nipomo Elementry | Ingmar Lauringson | 0 | ||||||||
Hospice BBQ
Posted by Henry Webb
The Hospice BBQ was a great success again this year under Richard Simons loving care.
28 Rotarian's and spouses worked long hours taking care of the Hoe Down guests at the Historic Hearst Ranch this past Saturday. Owner, Steve Hearst came by and was awed by the scope of our BBQ prowess and the dedication of our club to this project.
Let's give all who participated a big hand for their time and dedication to this project.
Hospice BBQ | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Step Down
Posted by Henry Webb
Well it's official, Bill is out and Ingmar is in.
Bill had his tail burned off by his very close friends as we all enjoyed a great dinner and fellowship with our brothers and sisters Rotarians.
Lou did a great job in organizing the affair and had support from many in the club in preparation and clean-up.
Step Down | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Golf Tournament
Posted by Henry Webb
Golf Tournament | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Lang BBQ Saturday
Posted by Henry Webb
What a group, we came, we conquered, we drank beer and cooked over 300lbs of choice beef. This project was a great success for the 4th graders at Dorothea Lang as well as our club participation.
Lang BBQ Saturday | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Senior Center Paint Day
Posted by Jim Harrison
![]() The following personnel worked today from 09:00 untill 12:30 or so on the Senior Center.
1. Mike Eisner
2. Richard Dale
3. Rich Minero
4. Mike Streater
5. Jim Harrison
Again today Doug Marohn provided the tools and worked for a couple hours. We finished the project at the Senior Center three pictures of the finished product is inclosed.
If you were there helping and I missed you please let me know.
Thank you for all the help...
Senior Center Paint Day | Jim Harrison | 0 | ||||||||
Super Bowl was Great
Posted by Henry Webb
We all had fun this last Sunday at Judy's home for our annual Super Bowl Party. The cook was very happy BBQ'ing some of the best Baby Back ribs ever, the port helped also...
Super Bowl was Great | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Awards Dinner
Posted by Henry Webb
![]() What a great night planned for our annual Awards Dinner, May 12th at the Cypress Ridge Pavilion. Be sure to be there at 5:30 for a no host bar for cocktails and then a fabulous Mexican Buffet starting at 6:30. The awards presentations will start immediately after dinner. Remember, our meeting the morning of the 12th will be cancelled in lieu of the Awards Banquet. You can register on line for this event. |
Awards Dinner | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Score Clean up Day
Posted by Jim Harrison
Thanks to the following Rotarians who worked January 16, cleaning Gene Score's yard, Bill Bettencourt, Mike Eisner, Mike Streator, Richard Dale, Cees Dobbe, Harry Walls, Tom Geaslen, Peggy Hesse, and Shawn Sure from Pismo Beach club.
And a big thank you goes to, Judy Henbury, Kathy Cachu, and Bonnie Eisner who prepared a great lunch for all of us,
Work was scheduled for ten to noon, a couple came early and all of us worked for three hours raking, chipping, loading, and hauling off leaves and droppings form Eucalyptus trees.
A good time was had by all, Again Thanks
Jim Harrison Community Service Director. Rotary Club of Nipomo |
Score Clean up Day | Jim Harrison | 0 | ||||||||
Golf Tournament Forms and Time Line
Posted by Henry Webb
9:30 am Registration, Warm Up |
Golf Tournament Forms and Time Line | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Super Bowl Feb 7th at Judy's House
Posted by Henry Webb
Be there for all the festivities associated with Judy's home and to a lesser degree the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl Feb 7th at Judy's House | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Christmas Party
Posted by Bill E. Bettencourt
Christmas Party | Bill E. Bettencourt | 0 | ||||||||
Nipomo Rotary Club on the Internet
Posted by Guy Murray
The Nipomo Rotary Club has now increased its Internet presence.
Nipomo Rotary Club on the Internet | Guy Murray | 0 | ||||||||
October 6 Nipomo Narrator
Posted by Guy Murray
The October 6 Edition of the Nipomo Narrator has now been published and is available on Internet sites everywhere.
October 6 Nipomo Narrator | Guy Murray | 0 | ||||||||
FLASH! Bill Bettencourt; "I Will Pass the Buck"
Posted by Henry Webb
The moment we have all been waiting for has finally come, we may regret loosing the sweet and I might say the innocent Lou, but big Bill is on the way. Bill's motto; I Will Pass the Buck!
FLASH! Bill Bettencourt; "I Will Pass the Buck" | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Mesa Oaks Charity Classic 2009
Posted by Henry Webb
Great tourment this year, many thanks to Cathy and Jim for all they did to promote the success of the tournament this year. |
Mesa Oaks Charity Classic 2009 | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Posted by Henry Webb
Take a look at the Events Callender for all the up comming McGruffs locations and times.
McGruff | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
District 5420 Conference Hand Outs
Posted by Henry Webb
District 5420 Conference Hand Outs | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Golf Tournament Forms
Posted by Henry Webb
Golf Tournament Forms | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
District News Letter March 2009
Posted by Henry Webb
District News Letter March 2009 | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Tax ID #
Posted by Henry Webb
For any of our fund raising, our Tax ID# is 77-0407204 |
Tax ID # | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
C Market is on the way, Again!
Posted by Henry Webb
![]() Take a look at all the new Auction Items on this fund raising site and share with all your friends.
C Market is on the way, Again! | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary International Convention
Posted by Henry Webb
Rotary International Convention
Rotary International Convention | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Dana Adobe Special Event
Posted by Henry Webb
Dana Adobe Special Event | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
C Market
Posted by Henry Webb
We did great on our first try at C-Market. We learned a lot and we still have the next 8 monthes to continue marketing. Thanks to everyone who helped by donating items, became sponsors and sent the auction by email to their friends and neighbors. |
C Market | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
Christmas Party
Posted by Henry Webb
December 14th at Cypress Ridge Community Room 5:PM For only $49 per person you will have the best meal, best entertainment, best fellowship and Bill Pucciarelli. What more would want from a Rotary Christmas Party. Black tie optional! Ho Ho Ho... |
Christmas Party | Henry Webb | 0 | ||||||||
C Market is on the way!
Posted by Bill E. Bettencourt
Lets get ready for C Market auctions, next to the Mesa Oaks Charity Classic, this will be our next largest fund raiser, so, get your email lists together, your auction items together and lets make this fundraiser a mind blowing success.
C Market is on the way! | Bill E. Bettencourt | 0 | ||||||||
Community Service
Posted by Lee Wainscott
Keep the 25th of October open to perform club service at the Nipomo Senior Center. We will be patching Drywall and painting it, Fixing PVC Piping, Removing some existing Copper and Galvanized Pipes, Repairing Screens and patching Floors.: Washing down walls and doors on the exterior of building and capping off unused electrical wires. Checking out existing circuits to find out why they are not working and repairing Faucets in Kitchen. So please keep this date open. Thanks Lee Wainscott Community Service Director.
Community Service | Lee Wainscott | 0 | ||||||||
Posted by Henry Webb
2009 RI Convention in Birmingham, England, 21-24 JuneBe a part of history and celebrate the 100th Rotary convention, which will take place in Birmingham, the heart of England! |