President Ed Harris presided over his 25th meeting Wednesday morning with 19 Rotarians in attendance.
John Brantingham reminds us not to get upset if some one calls you fat because you are bigger than that!
Kenneth lead us in prayer.
Mario lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
" Today in History" by Roger Ridley
Roger gave facts from this day in history starting in 1499 with the travels and discoveries of Vasco de Gama
1598 the 7 years war
1631 Mt Vesuvius exploded. There goes the neighborhood.
1707 Mount Fuji erupts
1773 Boston Tea Party. One lump or two?
1944 Germany at it again with the Battle of the Bulge.
Bob Sanders bragged tha he celebrated his 51 Wedding Anniversary in Monterrey
Roger Ridley gave us some amusing observations on the year 2020
Ed Harris shared the thank you sentiments from the Wolf Den for the washer and dryer given to them.
A thank you from CASA for the cash donation given to them.
Guest speaker was from the Ventana Wild Life Society.
Biologist Mike Stake shared stories about the condor rehab program and the difficulties from the recent fires.
He shared baby Inki's trials and tribulations due to the fire, the loss of a parent and his subsequent rescue and rehab in Los Angeles.
The fire left 9 condors missing and two chicks dead and the Sanctuary destroyed.
It was a fascinating look into the science and struggles of the Condor rehab program.
This was the last meeting of Rotary Nipomo until 2021. Stay safe, have a happy holiday and we will see you next year!