Peggy Coon, board member and Janna Nichols, Executive Director of 5cities homeless coalition (5CHC); delivered a very informative presentation today of the great work this organization performs in our community.  Homelessness is something that impacts our entire community, not just the individual(s) that are homeless.  It drains County resources, as well as the emotions of those directly impacted.  5CHC assists those in need to not only find them housing, but stabilize their lives.  Eighty percent of their clientele are from the 5 cities area and are single parents, youths (17-25 years of age), the elderly and veterans.  Through the vetting process and through the efforts of this fine organization, they have a 90% success rate in household placements and eviction prevention assistance.  They also offer the only cold weather shelter in South County and average 25 people per night during the inclimate evenings in November through March.   For more information see: