Wednesday morning bright and early at 7A.M. the Nipomo Rotarians met at the Black Lake community Center.
Kenneth Shaddell lead us in the opening invocation.
Dick lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
CONVERSATIONS WITH HARRY- Since Harry was out of town Mary Mylan our current president on her 2nd meeting interviewed Lee Baggett.
Kat Stowell bragged about her time in Las Vegas and the warm temperature of 119 degrees!
Lou Gomez Daughter had a birthday
Dick hillary has been retired for 26 years
Bill Piccirelli around of his Italian heritage spoke of soccer and the good fortunes of the Italians at the recent play offs.
Kelly Rickert said her dad had a birthday
mary Myland travelled 500 miles to visit her daughter that is expecting a child soon.
County Clerk asked that we help with the special election on 9/14/21
Judy Hensbury passed out sign up forms
also keep in mind our group will be going to the Mello Drama onWednesday 12/8/21
Possibly cooking food for a sick woman
Guest Speaker
Flight delays hampered our speaker from being able to attend the meeting
Mary showed a video presentation from the new President of Rotary International, Shekar Mehta.
The subject was " Service is the rent I pay for my space on earth."
He spoke of the need to keep growing our numbers and serving mankind.
Dick Hillary won the raffle.