18 brave souls made their way to their computer screen for President Ed Harris's 24th meeting.
John Brantinham gave his always fun introduction .
Kenneth lead the invocation.
Time for another "Conversation with Harry" and who should be this weeks interviewee? Well, none other than our very own Ed Harris!
Golf, is a great intreat of Ed's and we got to hear some of the interesting times he has had on the golf course. He also participates in two Rotary Golf Clubs. The Monterey Bay Fellowship being one and the other US/Canada Golfing fellowship of Rotary.
Harry Walls about the social at the Dana Abobe
George alerted us to the Space station schedule
It was announced that our club received a check from the County for $5,649.00 for the service our club performed at the Edward's barn for running the local Voters Service Center.
Judy announced with the pandemic we won't be having our annual Childrens Christmas Party.
Brendan Kelso spoke about his Childrens books particularly "Shakespeare For Kid's"
With over 40,000 books sold he has made an impressive contribution to the education of children.
I hear I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
Benefits of his drama program include:
Social Skills/Team Building
Self Awareness
Confidence building
Presentation Skills
Enunciation Improvisation
"Nothing comes of Nothing"
It was an interesting talk about a valuable service.