Ed Harris meeting number 49.....tick tock
John Brantingham says" Ed realizes many golfers prefer golf carts to caddies. Why? Carts can't criticize, count or lie.
Ken Shaddell lead us in prayer.
Roger Ridley gave us "This Day in History"
From the Christian Crusades of 1098 to the invention of the Bikini in 1946
Rotary Minute
Bill Puccirelli spoke on the Rotary Peace Program
Cees reminds us to remember the Amazon rewards program for Rotary.
Remember to sign up for Ed's Step Down dinner.
Mario reminds us of the Teft Street cleanup Sunday morning at 7:30 am
Lou Gomez had a Birthday!
Odell had a Birthday and got to spend time with his son.
Jerry Arseneau bragged about his son.
Bill sang Happy Birthday to all the celebrants!!
Speaker Jerry Arseneau
Jerry gave us a visual and virtual tour of his yard at his home in Arroyo Grande.
It is evident by the lovingly tended plants that he takes great pride in creating a most wondrous garden. Beautiful!