President, Kelly Ricker, called our first virtual meeting to order this Wednesday. Twenty-four members participated with 1 guest, Sandy Brantingham (John Brantingham’s wife), in attendance. See attached pictures from my iPad with some of our membership. Kelly was quite presidential as she led us through a very different, productive and fun meeting. She opened with a heart-felt invocation that was pertinent to our world today, as well as inspirational. This was followed by a moment of silence in honor of Rotarian brother, Al Dario, who recently passed away. Al, you are missed!
Rotarian, Roger Ridley, presented his weekly “Day in History”; citing many interesting events that have occurred in our world dating back as far as 1621. By coincidence to our virtual meeting today, Apple Computer began its operations on this day in 1978.
Rotarian and President-elect, Ed Harris, presented “A Rotary Moment” with a most appropriate topic titled, Rotary Virtual Meeting Basics. He provided some very thoughtful tips for future meetings. Here are a few examples: a) join early to make sure you’re device or computer properly set up, b) be aware of what’s in view from your camera to others – George Dubois’ office displayed many artifacts illustrating his intellect, c) make sure a light is on your face and not behind you – Harry Walls looked like he was donning a halo in his silhouette, d) wear your rotary pin, and last, but not least, e) if you must excuse yourself to use the restroom, make sure you turn off both the audio and video! We thank you in advance.
President Kelly then facilitated a very good discussion on how our club can help others during this challenging time. Some very good ideas were presented that will be followed up on.
There are certainly benefits to a virtual meeting during this time of required social distancing. At the same time there are drawbacks too. One major drawback that several of our members experienced was Jim Ramaker not refilling our coffee mugs. We missed that and you owe us Jim!
President Kelly closed our first successful virtual meeting, but not before Cees Dobbe gave us some very, very, very important information………………………Bev mo delivers!